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Amourshipping Thread V3

If Serena still traveled with Ash do you think that they would have ignored Amour? I think that even if she didn’t leave Serena still would’ve kissed Ash at the end of XYZ.
When Serena left it meant danger for Amour possibly being ignored or left alone/sunk when she returned and look what happened


Shillmon Defender
#KillTomiyasu "
Why do psychotic amour fans like those still exist? Holy **** get a life
Man, I may have huge gripes on the way tomiyasu handles his series but that was too much
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Well-Known Member
Were you really expecting Serena to permanently travel with Ash?
Well, Team Rocket did. Speculating that anyone else could wasn't without foundation.

I have more to say later.


Shillmon Defender
for those who do ship Ash and Serena, what are your unpopular opinions about the ship and why?
Here's mine:

- The great gatsby thing is a bit of a reach I don't think the writing of this show is deep enough to do that.

- IMO Ash does have feelings for Serena it may be subtle or unrealized but to me, it is stronger than Serena's feelings for Ash. Like how Ash thinks of Serena in some of his gym battles while Serena always thinks about her hard work and her pokemon in all of her showcases.

Pokegirl Fan~

for those who do ship Ash and Serena, what are your unpopular opinions about the ship and why?
I would have preferred if they handled the ship in a completely different way such as having Serena start developing a crush on Ash somewhere during their journey together and not right away. The way it happened in canon felt forced and cringey to me.

I also would have liked if they bickered more and with Serena showing her more sassy side way more than she did. The chemistry between Ash and Serena felt like watching paint dry tbh.

so basically pretty much what mirroramourshipping is except with both Ash and Serena showing their more sassy sides
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Dead inside…
for those who do ship Ash and Serena, what are your unpopular opinions about the ship and why?
Here's mine:

- The great gatsby thing is a bit of a reach I don't think the writing of this show is deep enough to do that.

- IMO Ash does have feelings for Serena it may be subtle or unrealized but to me, it is stronger than Serena's feelings for Ash. Like how Ash thinks of Serena in some of his gym battles while Serena always thinks about her hard work and her pokemon in all of her showcases.
TBF, Alain was said to be based off of Anakin Skywalker, who was a character from a popular western franchise. So while the Great Gatsby thing still seems like a coincidence, the writers are no stranger to referencing western works.

Besides, the green light symbolism seems to more or less have the same meaning in one of Jules Verne’s books (Le Rayon Vert IIRC.) and some Asian cultures so maybe it’s a general thing.
- The great gatsby thing is a bit of a reach I don't think the writing of this show is deep enough to do that.
For those who have read TGG, you will know that the green light represents a false hope and that we may never reach our dreams no matter how hard we try. I feel like that it is a point that points to Serena not having feeling for Ash anymore/the ship not becoming canon because of this context.

My unpopular opinions:
I’m fine with Serena being a housewife who takes care of the Pokémon during adulthood while Ash manages his champion duties. Call it stereotypical, but I don’t know what to have Serena do during adulthood and I can’t write contests/performances so during their travels in the future Serena mostly was Ash’s cheerleader.
I was upset when Serena left because of Amourshipping.
I feel like the writers want to ignore Amourshipping for some reason (why?) as evidenced by JN105.
I feel like Serena just sees Ash as a friend now and that she grew out of her crush, choosing to focus more on contests.


Well-Known Member
Meh, I personally had no issues with the the pairing was done, I found it over all cute.


Shillmon Defender
The way it happened in canon felt forced and cringey to me.
I've seen some of the older amour threads I really thought you were lowkey one of us lmao
I also would have liked if they bickered more and with Serena showing her more sassy side way more than she did. The chemistry between Ash and Serena felt like watching paint dry tbh.
isn't that just Pokeshipping but french?


Shillmon Defender
Meh, I personally had no issues with the pairing was done, I found it over all cute.
I can imagine just how cathartic that kiss was to you since you're an amourshipper before the show even started lmao
Yeah but at least this time it’s explicitly confirmed instead of ambiguous LMAO
well if 4kids is your gospel then it isn't ambiguous haha. I wonder how 4kids would've handled amour if they were still in charge since they are the ultimate pokeshippers

Pokegirl Fan~

I can imagine just how cathartic that kiss was to you since you're an amourshipper before the show even started lmao

well if 4kids is your gospel then it isn't ambiguous haha. I wonder how 4kids would've handled amour if they were still in charge since they are the ultimate pokeshippers
I think 4kids would have went all in on amourshipping and would probably go overboard with the script writing for it.

U.N. Owen

In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night ...
For those who have read TGG, you will know that the green light represents a false hope and that we may never reach our dreams no matter how hard we try. I feel like that it is a point that points to Serena not having feeling for Ash anymore/the ship not becoming canon because of this context.
This is a weak argument.
Japanese media lifting ascetics from Western media and then voiding its context is not uncommon. Evangelion is the most common example of this since it lifted tons of imagery and terminology from Christianity without the context of it. You might as well say The Mighty Thor is an accurate adaptation of Norse Mythology by this logic.


What is the airspeed of an unladen Swellow?
The great gatsby thing is a bit of a reach I don't think the writing of this show is deep enough to do that.
I kind of agree and kind of disagree here. I think it can definitely be seen as a Gatsby reference. But I also agree with @U.N. Owen and @AARTX that the context or symbolism may be different than the original work it was adapted from.

My unpopular opinion:
Too many fans are insecure about the ship, and act like it has been retconned or diminished because it hasn’t been addressed to their satisfaction right meow! Or the take the bait from those who like to get them riled up.

People just need to let the story unfold. Amourshipping has more confirmed than any other ship, including a “sacred first kiss” moment.


Shillmon Defender
for those who do ship Ash and Serena, what are your unpopular opinions about the ship and why?
Here's mine:
Other Ones:
- PokemonRangerBoy12 is cringe af
- IN XY Ash himself has revolved around Serena more than Serena herself revolved around Ash