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Amourshipping Thread V3

I actually started getting into Pokemon during 2015-2016, though I have been playing the card game since 2011. I remember getting Pokemon Y, my first Pokemon game, only a week before Pokemon's 20th Anniversary. I also remember watching the entire BW series during 2015, with whatever XY episodes I could catch on cable (I specifically remember catching the Bunnelby backstory episode on cable).

It wasn't until I rewatched the anime in 2020 that I actually understood the Amourshipping subplot... (I'm just as dense as Ash)



Wrong franchise but worth reminding this meme.

Bet Ash wouldn't have this problem though lol
Today is a nice day to just sit back, relax, and read at least one Amourshipping fanfic


New survey on Pokémon Masters. Of course, I took the chance to ask for anime!Serena (also, Goh, Roy and some of the ones from PokéSpe)

I realized I've made a mistake in the trainers you'd like to see interact question. Should've written Ash's name in one line and Serena's on another. Put Ash twice... One for Ash and Serena and one for Ash and Hilda (still in the fight @Satoshi & Touko). Be careful of that one lol

Satoshi no masara

Professional couch potato
New survey on Pokémon Masters. Of course, I took the chance to ask for anime!Serena (also, Goh, Roy and some of the ones from PokéSpe)

I realized I've made a mistake in the trainers you'd like to see interact question. Should've written Ash's name in one line and Serena's on another. Put Ash twice... One for Ash and Serena and one for Ash and Hilda (still in the fight @Satoshi & Touko). Be careful of that one lol
Spammed the survey with pretty much Ash and Serena, like "who do you want to interact more often?" (or something along that line). Also, for the characters I wanted to be added, I went with as follows:
XY Serena
JN Serena
XY Ash
M21 Ash
Y Gabena


Goh Gettem!
New survey on Pokémon Masters. Of course, I took the chance to ask for anime!Serena (also, Goh, Roy and some of the ones from PokéSpe)

I realized I've made a mistake in the trainers you'd like to see interact question. Should've written Ash's name in one line and Serena's on another. Put Ash twice... One for Ash and Serena and one for Ash and Hilda (still in the fight @Satoshi & Touko). Be careful of that one lol
I was sad that Ash came and went with no Goh :( Seemed like any easy add.