Ampharos: Who else thinks it will be used even less than before? Compared to the D/P thunder types (Rentoraa, Jibacoil, Elekible) and other thunders (Jolteon, Zapdos, Raikou, Electrode), Ampharos pretty much sucks. GF gave it a better movepool, but none of its moves could actually make it better. Signal Beam is good, and Power Gem is not so bad, but it still doesn't get a good counter to ground types and its still very slow. Its stats are also outclassed by the other thunders and it doesn't even get electrolevitate or energy ball. Tail Glow should have been given to Amphy, too. UU Rock types have Rock Cart to boost their speed, and most Fire types get Will-o-Wisp (Flareon) which will make them better, but Ampharos will get moved lower in rank...
Sorry for the complaining, but I'm just mad at how Ampharos has been so neglected ever since G/S/C, along with other Johto Pokemon (although most of them got boosts). I will still love it, but I just want it to do a little better in battle.
And you could talk about how your favorites, too.
Sorry for the complaining, but I'm just mad at how Ampharos has been so neglected ever since G/S/C, along with other Johto Pokemon (although most of them got boosts). I will still love it, but I just want it to do a little better in battle.
And you could talk about how your favorites, too.