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Ampharos Used Less?


Ampharos: Who else thinks it will be used even less than before? Compared to the D/P thunder types (Rentoraa, Jibacoil, Elekible) and other thunders (Jolteon, Zapdos, Raikou, Electrode), Ampharos pretty much sucks. :( GF gave it a better movepool, but none of its moves could actually make it better. Signal Beam is good, and Power Gem is not so bad, but it still doesn't get a good counter to ground types and its still very slow. Its stats are also outclassed by the other thunders and it doesn't even get electrolevitate or energy ball. Tail Glow should have been given to Amphy, too. UU Rock types have Rock Cart to boost their speed, and most Fire types get Will-o-Wisp (Flareon) which will make them better, but Ampharos will get moved lower in rank...

Sorry for the complaining, but I'm just mad at how Ampharos has been so neglected ever since G/S/C, along with other Johto Pokemon (although most of them got boosts). I will still love it, but I just want it to do a little better in battle.

And you could talk about how your favorites, too. :)



Ampharos is still on my team. Its ability to learn Attract and Thunderwave is good, and with perfect EV training, it can become a Wall/Sweeper.


The new tuxedo look!
I know, amphaoros is neglected, but I think it's still usable, for experienced players (unlike me)


Personally, I've never been a big fan of using it. Unless you use a turn to use Thunder Wave, or they get hit by your static, they just don't get much done. Ampharos doesn't really do much that you couldn't do with a faster Electric type, and better. At least Raichu can fight back against many Ground types with Brick Break, or Focus Punch, when they're part Steel or Rock(Which can be further countered with Iron Tail instead), or just Surf in Netbattles. Much more options, and stats that make those options viable.


Yeah Ampharos is outclassed by so many other thunders. It can be an annoyer, but Lanturn could do it better. It could be a wall, but Jibacoil does it better. Focus Punch for Raichu and Elekible. Sweeper = beaten by Jolteon, Zapdos, etc. Physical attacker is taken by Rentoraa.



Have you all forgotten Attract first, Thunderwave and then Focus Punch for Ampharos?


I've never used Ampharidos, but I might now. Really though it just matter who you want to use. It still is a powerful pokemon though.


Have you all forgotten Attract first, Thunderwave and then Focus Punch for Ampharos?
Still, that relies on a measure of luck, such as hoping for the right gender, and sometimes it just won't be enough to keep from being hit. Besides, Raichu's Subpunching really seems to be a safer strategy.


Well-Known Member
Yea but its always been screwed over to other Eletric type pokemon


Better than before!
My Ampharos does fine with Thunder, Rain Dance, HP Water and Reflect.


Ampharos is cool, I had a level 100 one back in G/S/C. But it has been outclassed by almost everything else since then sadly, even with things such as Focus Punch in it's arsenal. And yes, it will probably be used even less now. :(


So Zetta Slow!
From my pokemon teams...
...my lightning team's strongests are Raichu, Manectric, Electabuzz, AMPHAROS, etc....
...Ampharos is strong for me and I never leave it alone with Raichu...Ampharos still have it...hehehe

AJ Flibble

"Apmharos used Less!"
"It didn't do anything!"

Lame joke aside, Amphy does now get Signal Beam. Not that useful, but at least it's not too annoyed by Grasses anymore.

At least it has high HP too.


Slow and steady baby
Many other Pokemon have this same problem.

The truth is, some Pokemon just aren't strong.

They will never change, because if all Pokemon were strong then it just wouldn't be the same.

There has to be some weak Pokemon that nobody ever uses.

It's the same reason as why not everyone on Earth is attractive, some people just have to be ugly.

It creates balance.


Ampharos fans, save your complaints until it's as bad as... *shudder* Minun and Plusle, the answer to the question nobody asked.


Ampharos sure as hell isn't "outclassed" by most electrics, in fact the only ones that even outclass it are Raikou/Zapdos. And it has something that neither of the above has, Focus Punch, which it lets it kill Blissey and Snorlax, 2 very common electric type counters. Ampharos also has something that most other electrics don't have-being sturdy. Ampharos has base 90/75/90 in it's defensive stats, on par with Raikou/Zapdos. Ampharos still has amazing special attack too. And how can you compare it with Electrode? Electrode sucks ***, while Ampharos is actually good. And doesn't have a good counter to ground types? Excluding Hidden Power, most electrics don't have a ground counter. Which includes every pokemon you mentioned. Seriously, Ampharos has always been a good pokemon, being sturdy, spreading around paralysis(which makes up for its slow speed, btw), hitting a alot of stuff hard, and putting up screens or being a status taker with Resttalk, if you desire. Ampharos has always been one of the better electric types, imo.


Well-Known Member
Amphy will never get Tail Flow, for the simple reason that the attack is known as Firefly Light over in Japan and so only bugs will get it. As for the Pokemon itself, it's not bad. My one on Silver served me well and its base stats for this gen/last gen are not to be laughed at either. Rentoraa is obviously getting the attention because he's the "new kid on the block", but most people who fangirl/boy over him now may not like him once they have used one. Except in my case, I do love Rentoraa.

The Benmeister

Master of Magnet
Heh, I thought the title impled Ampharos using Less as an attack move, as in 'AMPHAROS used LESS!' Aah, misunderstandings...

There's not many great electrics, really, as they're all quite similar. Ampharos, however, is very handy due to slightly differently placed stats and should not be underrated, especially since in Emerald my one took down Lucy's Milotic and Shuckle in her Silver Team. I'm unsure about its usage in D/P (duh) but I'm sure it won't be forgotten that easily, it's probably one of the best electric types bar legendaries.

With Magneton, of course.
