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An attempt at making a D/P type sprite.


This is not a title.

Meh, I tryed to Remake the Dash sprite in D/P format, didn't turn out that great. C&C please?


Staff member
The upper body is far too rigid, especially the outstretched arm. Make it more smooth and curved.

I'm not sure if it's supposed to be like that or not, since you don't have a full-body reference pic, but the upper body looks too small compared to the lower body, and the pants don't go down far enough.

Not bad, but needs more work.

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
It looks stiff and imobile. The outstreched arm looks far too straight, curve and shape it. His trousers look too short too, if you want them to be 3/4 length shorten them even more. Not bad though :)


Staff member
Wow some constructive criticism o_O I've got quite a bit to work on xD
Yes, I know, it's a rarity nowadays :p

Another thing I just noticed, the outlines use way too much black. DP sprites do tend to have darker outlines than RS, but they still aren't black, and have shading.