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An Insane Vampire is Fine Too.


Left arm needs some work...
His left hand is big, I know. Only because it's his primary weapon. Right now, it's cloaked in a shell of black magic, and ready to attack.

Other than that, I rather like this.
Leave a comment, and I'll get back to you.
Leave a trolling piece of crap, and I'll brush your teeth with a wood file.


Ooh, maaaan!
Haha, wow, I actually really like this one, man. He makes me accept your messy sketchiness with that crazy "I'm so happpeeeee" look on his face.

That IS what he's thinking, right?...Right? =0

Sure ain't!

SOS! Its Not Healthy..

He Say Whaaa...
That looks really cool what you drew, I did notice the hands were not the same, but it is at least not the first thing you notice. The pic look badass, your an artist, lol.
Left arm needs some work...
His left hand is big, I know. Only because it's his primary weapon. Right now, it's cloaked in a shell of black magic, and ready to attack.

Other than that, I rather like this.
Leave a comment, and I'll get back to you.
Leave a trolling piece of crap, and I'll brush your teeth with a wood file.

LOL. good except legs look too stiff.