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Ancient Power Tyranitar

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Heya guys. Ive recently been trying to breed the move 'Ancient Power' onto my Tyranitar but I dont know how to do it at all. If anyone can give me steps as to how to, It'd be much appreciated.

Shiny Bashamo

Isn't it cute ^^
I'd choose a pokemon from the same breeding group with ancient power(has to be male) and breed it with a tyranitar(female) then if Ancient power is a breeding move yout larvitar should know Ancient Power

trouble is, no monster in his egg group can learn it. Yet in his 'dex movepool thingy, it says he can learn it through breeding.


Completing The Trio
the only way i can find is this way but it requires either ruby sapphire or emerald

breed a male kabutops that knows only ancientpower with a corphish

keep breeding until you get a male corphish that knows ancientpower

breed that male corphish with a cubone

keep breeding until you get a male cubone with ancientpower

now breed that cubone with a feamle larvitar, pupitar or tyranitar and voila you now have a larvitar that knows ancientpower

Shiny Bashamo

Isn't it cute ^^
the only way i can find is this way but it requires either ruby sapphire or emerald

breed a male kabutops that knows only ancientpower with a corphish

keep breeding until you get a male corphish that knows ancientpower

breed that male corphish with a cubone

keep breeding until you get a male cubone with ancientpower

now breed that cubone with a feamle larvitar, pupitar or tyranitar and voila you now have a larvitar that knows ancientpower

that's gonna take a while hope you got the time


Light Venusaur

Konoha's FMA Ninja
the only way i can find is this way but it requires either ruby sapphire or emerald

breed a male kabutops that knows only ancientpower with a corphish

keep breeding until you get a male corphish that knows ancientpower

breed that male corphish with a cubone

keep breeding until you get a male cubone with ancientpower

now breed that cubone with a feamle larvitar, pupitar or tyranitar and voila you now have a larvitar that knows ancientpower
I might try this out for myself.


Shadow Amongst Light
I just tried it. The male Corpish wont breed with the female cubone. Thats one day wasted.

Relicanth (Ancientpower - Lv.43) > Totodile > Tyranitar
Omastar (Ancientpower - Lv.55) > Totodile > Tyranitar
Omanyte (Ancientpower - Lv.49) > Totodile > Tyranitar
Kabutops (Ancientpower - Lv.65) > Totodile > Tyranitar
Kabuto (Ancientpower - Lv.55) > Totodile > Tyranitar
Corsola (Ancientpower - Lv.45) > Totodile > Tyranitar

Breeding sticky next time though

Adam 1475

Entei > You
I'd choose a pokemon from the same breeding group with ancient power(has to be male) and breed it with a tyranitar(female) then if Ancient power is a breeding move yout larvitar should know Ancient Power


Do what he/she says.
It worked with mine.
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