Heya guys. Ive recently been trying to breed the move 'Ancient Power' onto my Tyranitar but I dont know how to do it at all. If anyone can give me steps as to how to, It'd be much appreciated.
the only way i can find is this way but it requires either ruby sapphire or emerald
breed a male kabutops that knows only ancientpower with a corphish
keep breeding until you get a male corphish that knows ancientpower
breed that male corphish with a cubone
keep breeding until you get a male cubone with ancientpower
now breed that cubone with a feamle larvitar, pupitar or tyranitar and voila you now have a larvitar that knows ancientpower
I might try this out for myself.the only way i can find is this way but it requires either ruby sapphire or emerald
breed a male kabutops that knows only ancientpower with a corphish
keep breeding until you get a male corphish that knows ancientpower
breed that male corphish with a cubone
keep breeding until you get a male cubone with ancientpower
now breed that cubone with a feamle larvitar, pupitar or tyranitar and voila you now have a larvitar that knows ancientpower
I just tried it. The male Corpish wont breed with the female cubone. Thats one day wasted.
I'd choose a pokemon from the same breeding group with ancient power(has to be male) and breed it with a tyranitar(female) then if Ancient power is a breeding move yout larvitar should know Ancient Power