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And another Title

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Staff member
Super Mod
2006 does not start with a filler.

AG 159 (435): Fierce Fighting At The Battle Pike! VS. Pike Queen Lucy!!
Japanese Title: 熱闘バトルチューブ!VSチューブクイーン・アザミ!!

Edit (15/12): AG 160 (436): Who will emerge victorious!? Orienteering

Source: PokeAni.

Edit: :/ I just noticed my old 'New Title' thread is still on the first page. Should've posted it there, perhaps.
Last edited:


Horray, Lucy makes her debut...

although I consider her kinda creepy... some people consider her "hot" for some reason...

since her signiture pokemon is Serviper... will Team Rocket have a bigger role in this episode too?


Former Absolkid said:
Sounds cool. But the eps are getting rushed though.

watch for 15 filler episodes after this one XD
Or not. Who said he will win? I think its about time got his fat ego pushed over and lost a match, so he would have to retrain.

Btw: Offtopic: Wasn't a Regi episode for this season? Sure thier was a regi title for a episode....

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
I wonder if they'll make Lucy snake like like she was in Special. She is supposed to be seven feet tall or more as well.


Yeah, ok!
Wow, I'm really impressed with the writers. Aside from that large chunk of filler between Noland and Greta, the Battle Frontier season has been moving along at a GREAT pace.

Fillers now are minimal, and even episodes that we thought would be filler (like the Elekid episode) are actually important because of an evolution.

Thinking about it, there are NO fillers between Tucker and Lucy:

Elekid episode: Phanpy evolves
Ranger episode: Female ranger debuts, Celebi appears
Bonsly episode: Brock may possibly capture Bonsly
May time travel episode: This probably continues with Celebi, and how can a May time travel episode be anything other than exciting?

The Battle Frontier season has done a complete 180 since it started. And for a second there I thought AG lost it's focus, but the writers have quickly bounced back.


*swoons for Noland*
Punk-Dude-Danny said:
Or not. Who said he will win? I think its about time got his fat ego pushed over and lost a match, so he would have to retrain.

Lucy is the next Brain. Annabel will come after Spenser. If anything Ash would be more likely to lose against Spenser provided the Battle Palace is anything like the game (not holding my breath).

I just said that because if I recall correctly that map of Kanto only had 6 points on it indicating the Battle Facilities. It'll probably take a fair few episodes to explain and get to the 7th (Battle Pyramid).


Cascade Trainer
Wonder why they're rushing the Facility episodes. Last two have had a month or so in-between. Took up almost 3 to get from The Battle Factory to the Battle Arena...


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering if they'll have Ash lose at any of the Battle Factory areas. A lot of people say that things are being rushed, but having him lose and have to train for a few episodes would surely fill some episodes... oh well, time will tell.

Anyone know when the manga for this battle will come out? You know, the comic that has been spoiling the Battle Factory battles for us?


Volcano Trainer
They are probably rushing them out at a quicker pace because D/P is probably set to debut around summer so they need to pick it up to have Ash & Co ready to head to the D/P region in time for the release of the game and if Ash roughly has a facility battle a month than that would put the BF saga being done roughly around the time Nintendo wants to release D/P on DS.

Don't think Ash will lose any frontier matches since this is obviously orange league saga all over again. It's a kill some time between games saga where we'll give Ash a lesser championship win here to make up for the losses in the leagues :p


Yeah, ok!
Aren't the Frontier Brains considered stronger than Gym leaders though? If so, it's a much bigger achievement to defeat the Brains as oppossed to Gym leaders like the ones in the Orange Islands.


Contaminated KFC
By the looks of that title, it seems they're diving straight into the battle.
Bah, I'm disliking the trend of giving each Brain a single episode. They're all pretty quirky characters compared to a lot of the Gym Leaders, so I don't understand what they're trying to achieve by reducing them to one episode quickies when they could be using the space they're filling with...er...fillers, to develop their characters a little more.

...Of course, if this isn't just a one-parter, then I'll have to take that back :p

If Lucy does retain the Seviper her in-game counterpart uses, here's to hoping its got some kewl attacks. I'd love to see a Seviper with more to it then Poison Tail and Wrap.
I'm also curious as to what it will sound like. I've been wondering if the 'Buu buu buu' that Jessie's Seviper calls out is a staple trait of the species~


Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
Missingno. Master said:
2; Jessie disguises herself as Lucy, and battles Ash with her own Seviper, her Dustox, and Meowth in a Shuckle costume, while the real Lucy is locked in a closet.

That actually sounds like something the writers would do.

Either that or have Jessie battle Lucy with her Seviper when she sees that Lucys is better then her's.


Izit cuz I is black?
I wonder what the twist will be this time? It'll be subtle and unoriginal, but I hope the Pike is done some justice!

Haunter Hunter Sohrab

Johto Champion
Oh this isn't bad at all. I really hope they do keep up this fast pace. Anyone know where the Pike is situated?


Custom User Title
Well that's cool. The Battle Frontier is just moving right along now. I agree with CyberCubed, it seems the BF is shaping up from the mess it was in the first few episodes. Though I still won't forgive the writers for having no first season references.


Coral Eye Trainer
I would be suprised if Ash lost this battle, very suprised. It just wouldn't fit with why they had Donphan evolve. I expect it to play a pretty significant role in this battle, what with all the new evolution hype that trainers tend to get after one of their pokemon evolves. It just doesn't really add up to have Phanpy evolve into Donphan if it is just going to lose the first big battle it gets.
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