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And you're probably thinking i'm new, right?

Reg teh Yoshi

Boing Groing
Actually, i'm not new, this is the second time I resistered...yes, I know that's bad but the problem was is that I forgot this place alot in the past, and when I remembered i couldn't remember the password, and the e-mail accounts I had wouldn't by that time :( , but since know i'm remembering this place more and I have alot of free time at night during the weekdays (and sometimes all day during Weekends), I decided to give this place a try one more time. However, eventually I might stop coming on cuz i'll have to go back to mah moms, and i don't have the Web there (I used to, but now I
don't, and if i get internet back, i'll start coming back on). But you probably don't care since I was never on that much and i barely made alot of friends. So.....

;492; : Favorite Pokemon (Sheimi)

;493; :2nd Favorite Pokemon (Aruseus)

1st time joined: December ??, 2004

2nd time re-joined: Can't remember...

3rd time re-joined: October 30th, 2006 (Around the time of this post)

Friends I gained here in the past:
..:Tom.Nook:.. or however you did those dots (Known as RDG and vaati in certian places, also the author of N-capable)

Davis the Gamer (Who i see was banned :p )

LordAndrew (Can't remember when i met him, don't know if he still comes on here or not)

So...yeah, whassup!? (For the 3rd time :p )


New Member
Hey, welcome back! i just joined recently so i wouldn't know about your past XD

just saying hi :D


perpetually tired
Welcome Back. Hi. If you have been absent, I am the local Zora of these forums. *shakes my amphibias hand with you*


BLAZIKEN trainer
same thing happened to me at the nsider foms:(

can someone teach me how to get a sig and icon?


Shiny Catcher!
Welcome back!

Reg teh Yoshi

Boing Groing
same thing happened to me at the nsider foms:(

can someone teach me how to get a sig and icon?

Try looking at your user CP near the top of the webpage, go there and look through the side bar, you'll see "Edit signature", click it and....make a sig :p.

And if by icon you mean Avatar, repeat the above, but look for "Edit Avatar" instead.

Anyways, thanks for the re-welcoming :D
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Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
Welcome back I'm fairly new to the forums, (started in August) and you're almost a veteran I guess

Reg teh Yoshi

Boing Groing

Welcome Back. Hi. If you have been absent, I am the local Zora of these forums. *shakes my amphibias hand with you*

OMG its all slimy lol

Yeah, I went absent once more...but now i'm back for good probably.

I was perma-banned from Pixeltendo (I'm sure you've heard of it) for spamming the entire board....

Yeah, I did that. But don't worry, i'm not gonna spam Serebii up. At least people here don't talk sh*t about me :D

So...yeeeah, say "Welcome back" or "Hello" if you want.