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Anduath, Ailuros and Atorus

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Just me
This originally started as a group project at my forums to create the strongest Pokémon ever - we ended up with the Dark/Ghost type Anduath, designed by Crystylla. He turned out to resemble the Egyptian god Anubis, and after that we decided to put some markings on and call him Anduath. We decided also to make Bast and Horus Pokémon, but after Crystylla attempted to draw the Bast one and we decided on the name Ailuros for the Bast one and Atorus for the Horus one, the project sort of died down.

Well, yesterday I started doodling Anduath, and after finishing him, I started drawing Ailuros too. I had always thought Crystylla's original design was a little too similar to Anduath, so I started tweaking it around, and I ended up with a very different but not too bad Ailuros. And then I thought, what the heck, I'll just try designing Atorus too. And I did. Although he didn't look as good as the others, being that I couldn't draw wings to save my life and he just ended up looking weird.

I should note that it was always an idea to make them all have one pair of disembodied limbs which would all be of similar shape and they could move completely independently of their bodies.



Originally I drew them on paper and intended to make them stand together with Anduath on the right, Ailuros on the left and Atorus in the middle, which is why he's facing straight forward.

Hmm, what the heck, I'll put this here too.

Best Scyther I've ever drawn
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Wow, Cool. Very nice.
I like Anduath the best

and thats a well drawn scyther too.

(and I think this is the first time I've ever commented on your pics)

Ket Shi

Come on and SLAM!
Andulath just seems too simple for such a strong Pokémon. It's good, with a cool pose, but it seems like a pre-evo.

I love Ailuros's headress, but the lower body seems a little strange. The clawed feet opposed to the paws, the tiny lower body, and the enormous (but oddly plain) tail just don't seem to fit the awesome head.

Atorus is okay, but the wings seem a little small for the body, and the feet look too small as well.

Maybe they would look better if you redesigned the floating feet?
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