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Andy's banner shop

eeve fan #5

Eeve trainer
kazum i made you a tc didn't i

eeve fan #5

Eeve trainer
here you are kazuma http://i13.*******.com/2v83ibm.png


Currently Playing B2
kazum i made you a tc didn't i

yes but he asked you to change it from mukkuhawk to somthing else:)

and could you make me a tc?

pokemon from http://4.bulbagarden.net/graphics/
ice ghost thing
pokemon behind trainer:umbreon
background:pokemon tower
if not ill have any
badges D/p if you can if not fire red / leaf green:)

eeve fan #5

Eeve trainer
i will as soon as i change his tc

eeve fan #5

Eeve trainer
i'm going off now have to go out promise it will be done today both of yours


Currently Playing B2
i can now do TC's



and i can do some mixes , this is a richus tail and an articunos wing



so request away!


Currently Playing B2
come on ppl, we need request's!!

im so bored


Currently Playing B2
Do you like it??

yea i like it , the writing is a bit too close though , i have been working on TC's and morphs , because before i could only do banners but what do you think of this?

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Currently Playing B2

can you close this shop because im pening a new one this time it will be called andy's sig shop

have fun deleting it;392; ;376; ;261; ;006; ;424; ;176; ;456; ;089; ;321;

eeve fan #5

Eeve trainer
ok i am doing it


you know why im here
hey andy???????? can u make my banner a LITTLE smaller cause i did a sig cheack and.... they said it was to big :/