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Andy's banner shop


Currently Playing B2
can i have a banner please it's for a freind

Kyogre on left Groundon on right Rayquaza in middle.
no writing
and can you split it in half horizontally and then in quarters vertically on the bottom half then do sky blue for top half, dark blue for the bottom left corner and brown for the bottom right corner?
thanks and i'll give credit

lol ... ok ,


Currently Playing B2
can i have a banner please it's for a freind

Kyogre on left Groundon on right Rayquaza in middle.
no writing
and can you split it in half horizontally and then in quarters vertically on the bottom half then do sky blue for top half, dark blue for the bottom left corner and brown for the bottom right corner?
thanks and i'll give credit

hold on?.?.?

im not gunna set it in sections but i know where your going so ill make it better:)

eeve fan #5

Eeve trainer
thanks i didn;t chose it it was my freind

eeve fan #5

Eeve trainer
oh sorry um can you put in the middle pokemon are awsome sorry i forgot to put that if that's alright if not it's alright


Currently Playing B2

eeve fan #5

Eeve trainer
thanks a lot


Currently Playing B2
come on people im getting bored!!!

rescue team powerpokes

D/P is finally here!
Can you make me a banner with machamp (middle) raichu (left) and kyogre (right) with a white background that say's rescue team powerpokes on the top oh and i want it to be the same size as golizard's.
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Currently Playing B2
Can you make me a banner with machamp (middle) raichu (left) and kyogre (right) with a white background that say's rescue team powerpokes on the top oh and i want it to be the same size as golizard's.

do you want a fire background ?

rescue team powerpokes

D/P is finally here!


Currently Playing B2
Yeah sure that sound's cool! and this may be a stupid question but.... how do i put a image in my sig???


this ok?

http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n311/lilaj123/1-R.jpg[/IMG ]

do u see the link at the bottmom?

delete the space in it ( at the end ) and the copy and patste ( the code ) in your sig (edit sig )

rescue team powerpokes

D/P is finally here!

this ok?

http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n311/lilaj123/1-R.jpg[/IMG ]

do u see the link at the bottmom?

delete the space in it ( at the end ) and the copy and patste ( the code ) in your sig (edit sig )[/QUOTE]

Yeah that look's awesome!!!!! so your saying to put that link in my sig and it will show the image???


Currently Playing B2


Hey im in the spiderman club, could you make me a banner? Its a pokemon Contest theme. I want a cool, bueaty, cute, smart and tough ribbon on it and a contest building from the gba in the background. and i'll give you credt of corse. Oh and it has to say "Pokrmon Contest; Ribbon Cooridinators!!!"
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Well-Known Member
So, what can you do?
i am from the spiderman club also!
Could you make a banner with batman in the middle with a crobat on the left and right? do you have a night-time city background.


Currently Playing B2

batman 1


contest 1
i could not find a GBA contest background if u can give me 1 ill do it
and the ribbons were hard to get
i kinda just put any old ribbon on:)


Currently Playing B2
ill re-do the contest one coz i spelt pokjemon rong

of to school now bye