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Andy's banner shop


Currently Playing B2

eeve fan #5

Eeve trainer
sorry iu'm here now i'll get on it right a way

eeve fan #5

Eeve trainer
kazuma's is done


The Cool One
Thx Eevee but I have two questions,1. how do I do to place it on my signature and 2. why is Mukkuhawk there instead of Dotaitos??


The Cool One
Eevee if ur making a new one because of that accident with mukkuhawk, can u change the backruond to forest and perap to mukkuhawk.


Currently Playing B2
Eevee if ur making a new one because of that accident with mukkuhawk, can u change the backruond to forest and perap to mukkuhawk.

he/she will
im gunna try and make my own tc and if i do good ill make tc's too:)

eeve fan #5

Eeve trainer
right i'll do it tommorow kazuma i am very busy oh yeah i made a mistake and i must of swithched the pokemon sorry and andrew i can make banners now can i do them here aswell


The Cool One
But one last question, how do u insert the TC in ur signature??


Currently Playing B2
right i'll do it tommorow kazuma i am very busy oh yeah i made a mistake and i must of swithched the pokemon sorry and andrew i can make banners now can i do them here aswell

well , if you can show me an example to go on your sig saying :andys banner shop

with sugimori images of:
left to right

text colour black
background:any that suits it

if i think its good then you will be able to make banners in here:)

eeve fan #5

Eeve trainer
you right click on the pic then go to properties copy the adrress(url) then go to user cp and go to edit signature then click on the image of a mountain and then a thing will come up snd paste your pic address in it and then edit signature and your done


Can i get a Trainer Card?

Pokemons are ;257; ;428; :386-s: ;181; ;150; ;448;
And the trainer i want is Gary from Fr/Lg
And if i could get a PM when its done that would be great

eeve fan #5

Eeve trainer
it will be done by tommorow


Ok thanks eevee fan # 5

eeve fan #5

Eeve trainer
:):):):):) i am to tired for today

Fire leaf

Flame Burner
When I try to copy and paste it wont work and theres no space,
, what part do i delete to put my banner up?


you know why im here
ok can i plz have 2 banners?
pokemon on it:shiny blaziken, shiny charzard, and a typhlosion
back round: can u make it firey???s
srry i dont have a link =(
words onit: plz make it say FIRE RULES
plz and thx =)


Currently Playing B2
When I try to copy and paste it wont work and theres no space,
, what part do i delete to put my banner up?

[ IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n311/lilaj123/bua.jpg[/IMG]
see the space?
copy the link and then paste it in ya sig , then delete the space and then click save signature


Currently Playing B2
ill do all your banners in the mornin and can u all put my shop as a 5star

and if me or eevee do you a banner of TC make sure you put
~banner/TC made by andrew_-_john/eevee fan 5(depending on who made it) from andy's banner shop~

Fire leaf

Flame Burner
Thanks for the banner