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Animal Crossing: a day in the life of...

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it's my first time writing a fic and i hope some of you AC or ACWW fans like this. For those AC/ACWW fans, this is a lot like the guide book for AC. NOTE: some things in this fic can't happen in the game.

Animal Crossing: A day in the life of...

Chapter 1: March 18, 2005 Moving Day

From the journal of Finch:
Well, today I moved in, I met the Shopkeeper, Nook's the name I guess. I met one animal; Puck the Penguin. All the other animals were asleep I guess. I probably should join them.

From the journal of Puck:
Today, some human moved in next to me, says his name is Finch. Seems like a nice guy, and I guess I'm his only friend. I was going to introduce him to Grizzly, but he's ya know, asleep. Oh geez, it's late, time to hit the sack.

Chapter 2 in the process!
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Quilava Krazy

This is waaaaaay to short.Check out some other fan-fics before you post a story
ya i no it's short, but that's just Chapter 1. Chapter 2 will be much longer.

Edit: oops! just read the rules and it says only PKMN fics! could a mod plz close this, i'll start a new one in the non-PKMN fics.
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Quilava Krazy

Just delete it yourself.click edit post then delete message and then check off delete message and click delete message and it will be gone


Quilava Krazy said:
Just delete it yourself.click edit post then delete message and then check off delete message and click delete message and it will be gone

or better yet, get a mod to move it. BTW, you should have read the rules before you did all of this. These have to be at least a page long on Word. This SO Doesn't look like a page long.
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