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Animal crossing events(DS)


Long time no see
Ok you all know that when you play animal crossing you have certain events.
This is so that ppl can tell what they have to look forward to.....

When you have a special event coming up post it here so we all know what will happen.

SAT 4th NOV= i have read on my message board that there is a flea market.
Every saturday night go to the roost in the museum an talk to the dog. he is KK the guy who gives you songs to play in ur house. Dont request a song, he will then sing to you. When he is done he will give you a copy of the song.

Every sunday the turnip salewoman will come, buy 10 of the white turnips and one of the red turnips. Plant the red turnip an next sunday harvest it an wait till monday to seel it. Sell the white turnips when nook will give you a good price. This is a good way to get money.