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"Animal Crossing" for GC Resent happenings thread

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Well-Known Member
Hey there guys saw one like this for the NDS version but not the GC version so what have you been doing in Animal Crossing as for me last night i Found 2 fossils and i caught a few fish and payed about $7000 off my second mortgage.

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
I play the GC verison more then the other one

Well, Today I accidently gave away a Tricera Tail to (I think Hector or Mizti) when I should have said no, I was going to sell it.. (And I got funiture in return..)


Haha.. funny that this thread should appear. I haven't played for 7 weeks, but played again yesterday, cuz of HALLOWEEN!! Ooooh!

ATM, I'm selling all fruit, and other yuck junk, + stocking up on candy + pulling out 7 weeks worth of weeds. >_>

By the way, what's the candy for? :S


Well-Known Member
Yay other people play it too, it's one of my favorite games for GC and i love it. Well this afternoon i played for awhile and i got 2 more fossils back from the musem and i managed to pay another $10000 off my 2nd mortgage so now im down to $93000 i think.


I don't think this is needed.

DJ-Will basically summed up the reason. With Wild World out, this game probably isn't played too much. Heck, it's about 4 years old anyway.
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