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Animal Crossing Wild World for the DS any one?

Ho-oh Lover

Well-Known Member
The game is coming out in the US on Dec 5th and I can't wait! But whoop-de-dingle-doo it's a monday so I'm gonna have to wait for one more week. Plus I lost my 25$ gift card for gamestop so I can't get it! Gah! But is any one gonna get it? I'm pretty sure I'll be able to go online. Anyone wanting to be friends?

------ ;250


Super Gamer
I'm sure an Animal Crossing Topic with Friend Codes will be made soon. Anyway - I never was interested in Animal Crossing and never bothered renting it. It looked too kiddish like Pikmin - and it didn't look very appealing to me either... Maybe if I play it and I like it I will get it (that's why I need a Flash Cable thing so I can download the games and test them!). Oh well - I hope you fans are getting what you are paying.


Brute Root

I'm a Christian
I'M gunna get it! I't should be awesome!! Can't wait to see what happens on Christmas Eve with Jingle...but since i should get the game on Christmas (although ill have to bribe Santa and Delibird to make sure i get it...a kiss from a hot girl for Santa or a sexy Delibird for the other should do the trick) I'll have to wait till next year.


The Enigmatic One
I'll be getting Animal Crossing: Wild World the day it comes out, which should be either Monday or Tuesday in my area. I heard that the holidays are being removed from the game since some regions of the world don't celebrate certain holidays, so Nintendo had to removed them. I'm confused now.:confused: Can somebody confirm this for me?


Super Gamer
Where did you hear this? If you heard it from someone not from IGN or GameStop or some unknown site then its most likely crap. They've never removed Holidays from games before...They also left Nintendogs the way it was but added more dogs - you didn't see them take out the Shiba in the English versions now did you?



Super Gamer
And where is this proof? I would like to see some proof...I highly doubt they would remove major holidays such as Christmas since practically everyone in the world Celebrates it one way or another...



Twilight of Aquarius
I'll pass. I like Animal Crossing, but it seems to me that the screen is too small, and I much prefer the isometric view to a planet view.


Super Gamer
DJ-Will - have you even seen screenshots...? >_>;

The screen is not too small - the DS is perfectly fine with Mario Kart DS and I'm sure it will be fine with any other game including AC:WW...


Ho-oh Lover

Well-Known Member
yes major hoildays are taken out like christmas and halloween so no jingle or Jack. Confirmed by people with the japanese verison with the help of Time travle and some people have been able to get eariler copies, how I don't know, but they mostly comfirm that those hoildays have been taken out.

------- ;250;

Hao Kaiser

Aww... Crap.
MidnightScott said:
And where is this proof? I would like to see some proof...I highly doubt they would remove major holidays such as Christmas since practically everyone in the world Celebrates it one way or another...

It's been known forever you arse.

Major holidays, such as Christmas and Halloween, are no longer in the game. They have been replaced with more Animal Crossing-specific holidays.
Wikipedia Article.

Not like you care anyways, it's apparently to kiddish-looking to you, which is so unlike pokemon.



Yes. I will be getting this game about 2 p.m. on Monday, when I'm done with classes. I just got my USB thing from Nintendo a few minutes ago, and I WILL demolish everyone's towns. :D

ViNe WhIp

Johto Champion
Nobody really cares what you highly doubt its been proven theres no real holidays. What I'm wondering is if they're adding things to real holidays and giving them different names. Also yes I will be getting it the day it comes out.
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zonic the hedgehog

Ah, finally! An Animal Crossing topic! ^.^

I'm quite excited for the game, and I'll be once again swearing to every neighbor in my town and sending them nasty letters about their hygiene... *ahem*

Anyway, this game was MADE for the DS. The GC version had some botched graphics, since it was SUPPOSED to be an N64 game. D:

I'm sure an Animal Crossing Topic with Friend Codes will be made soon. Anyway - I never was interested in Animal Crossing and never bothered renting it. It looked too kiddish like Pikmin - and it didn't look very appealing to me either... Maybe if I play it and I like it I will get it (that's why I need a Flash Cable thing so I can download the games and test them!). Oh well - I hope you fans are getting what you are paying.

Y' tu?

I have no idea where that's comin' from, seriously.
You don't need a flash DS cable (I'm presuming this has to do with roms, eh?) to test the game- just rent it.
I suggest using http://www.gamefly.com for the least possible hassle.

and I WILL demolish everyone's towns.

Not before I get to them first. =D


Super Gamer
Hao Kaiser - you have no right to call me an ***. *Reports* - you must be a n00b - only n00bs insult others for asking valid questions.

zonic the hedgehog: I meant because I don't want to have to pay $30 something a month to rent games and wait for them to arrive in the mail when I can just download them and try them. If I like the game I will get it.

Solembum: STFU. I don't believe everything I read like you seem to do. Oh well - you will make that mistake more than once and end up with a crappy game - haha.

Anyway - since it comes out the 5th and there are these Freshman I know who are getting it I'll try to see if I like it or not. If I do I will get it - it just depends.

Ho-oh Lover - thankyou for telling something you know without being an ******* and insulting others like that idiot up there did.

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*Insert Usertitle*
I'll be getting this. Kiddy looking or not Animal Crossing pwned and since I love DS I'm expecting Animal Crossing: Wild World to be good as well. Even if the holidays are gone at least we get made up holidays, its not like they took them out, besides even though I heard little news on this, I'm only guessing, feel free to correct me, I'm sure a lot of the made-up holidays will be much like real holidays in some sort of way.


perpetually tired
Eternal said:
Yes. I will be getting this game about 2 p.m. on Monday, when I'm done with classes. I just got my USB thing from Nintendo a few minutes ago, and I WILL demolish everyone's towns. :D

You can't just walts into someone towns.

Also in NP, it has been confirmed that you can place patterns on your TOWN floor. An example is a moon like enviroment. Note: this is for Issue 199. Back on topic. You can dye your hair different colors, and do you remember the expresions animals can show, well you can to. Sadly, you can only have 3-8 villagers, vs. GCN 5-15.


greenlink said:
You can't just walts into someone towns.

Duh, genius. Don't you think I know that you need friend codes for that? I meant that I'll go into the towns of people that allow me to enter their town. I'll then do whatever I do there.

Next time, don't assume I don't know what I'm talking about. -_-;

zonic the hedgehog

MidnightScott said:
zonic the hedgehog: I meant because I don't want to have to pay $30 something a month to rent games and wait for them to arrive in the mail when I can just download them and try them. If I like the game I will get it.


How is paying $14.95 a month FOR UNLIMITED GAMES expensive? >_O;

Furthermore, how in the hell is paying $11.00 for a week's rental at Blockbuster expensive either? You're just being cheap, but if that's what you want...


Super Gamer
Vortex - it's not all because it looked kiddy its because it didn't look appealing to me (it steered away from a traditional game - it's sorta like Nintendogs but I ended up getting that anyway, :p)

greenlink - do you even know about the WiFi or what? Stop acting over dramatic...

zonic the hedgehog - I could of sworn it said $30 a month for 2 games at a time...¬¬ - They don't rent DS games at Blockbuster or Hollywood... Also - if I spend $85 on that flash stuff I will be able to download and play any game that's put out on the internet. It doesnt only have to be DS games either ;)

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