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Anime Dating Game!

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I have absolutely no idea why I started this, guess I'm dying from boredom. Type some stuff about you and some of intrests and I guess we will find your anime soulmate. ^_^;; I know its sounds stupid (cause I'm bored) but other members please help me out.

Note- I hope your allowed to do this.. @_@ sorry if its not allowed, close it if it is not allowed.
Hm, I don't know if this is allowed but I'll post anyways.

Here's a small profile:
Name: Brian
Sex: Male
Age: 14 (Just pretend I'm 18. ;P )
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Religion: Agnostic
Interests: Anime, manga, Star Wars, video games, anything a nerd/otaku would do. Oh, and I lovvvvvvvveeee women. ;\ My favorite food is pizza, and my favorite hobbie is writing. And I love to look at hentai and ecchi...and masturbate.
Appearence: I'm 5'11; I'm a little overweight (Not that much though.); I have a penis; my hair is dark brown and naturally curly; my eye color is hazel; I dress like a normal, average person; and that's it.
What I Want in a Girl: I love a girl who has a nice and slender body, with an attitude that can piss me off, with style, and be innocent at the same time. And I like the bad girls, the girls that deserved to be spanked...sexually ;\ , but they have a sweet attitude. Those girls really turn me on...really, they do. (XD That was pretty blunt of me.)

That's all I can think of right now. -_-;
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Also include intrests so i can actually compare ^_^;;;; Add what you like like...uhhh..u know stuff like that
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I mean like what you like ^_^;;;;;;; like games, burgers, and what you want in you soulmate


Okay o_O;;;; your profile is a bit uhhh, um, too descriptive in some ways. But hows Naru Narusegawa from Love Hina


Name: Erin
Sex: Female
Age: 15
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual *No that doesn't mean I love pans ^^;*
Religion: Athiest/Open
Interests: Sailor Moon, Pokémon, Harry Potter, Yaoi, Yuri, Video Games, Computers
Appearence: I'm 5'2", I'm medium built; my hair is chocolate brown? and has a natural body wave; my eye color is blue-grey; I dress ... to not be naked? o_O?
What I Want in a Person: Someone who's funny, has a creative outlet, isn't a party animal, someone who's not extremely immoral, but in short: someone you can laugh with and have a good time ^_^

The Emerald King

<--- it's sad
Sex:yes please...(old joke) seriously though, male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Interests: Pokemon,Fullmetal Alchemist, s-CRY-ed, Hentai, anime in general, manga, writing, drawing, computer design, spriting, video games
Appearance: medium built, 5'9", my hair is short, brown, with a little blonde, I dress casual, usually with a hoody
What I want in a person: Someone who's beautiful, funny, smart, a little shorter than me, long blonde hair, a girl who can defend herself, and fun to be around, (and a bit kinky...and naughty too)
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