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Anime ques


Well-Known Member
is gary's voice the same? cuz in the bonsley ep the ninja dude voice was garys and bonsley is a bonsai pokemon bonsai is pronounced bon as in lawn and ley is pronounced lee so it should be pronounced bonslee instead of bonslie. and iv'e been seeing jap ep and is sugimori giving up or what cuz the people have random bumps on them ash's hair is wierd and pikacu turned from light yellow bak to normel yellow.
Gary's voice is the same. The correct pronounciation is Bons-lai, not Bons-lee.


Well-Known Member
is gary's voice the same? cuz in the bonsley ep the ninja dude voice was garys and bonsley is a bonsai pokemon bonsai is pronounced bon as in lawn and ley is pronounced lee so it should be pronounced bonslee instead of bonslie. and iv'e been seeing jap ep and is sugimori giving up or what cuz the people have random bumps on them ash's hair is wierd and pikacu turned from light yellow bak to normel yellow.


First off, Yes gary will have the same voice. The man who voices gary is now working for PUSA/TAJ
Second off, Bonsly is a pun off a bonsai tree.(bONs aI) The lie is that it looks like a rock pokemon, but it is actually a rock. So it wouldnt be bonslee it would be bonslie.
And third off, Thats those lazy animators. Not Mr. Sugimoori.


Old Coot
PUSA has stated that the proper pronounciation is indeed Bons-lai and not as how 4Kids pronounced it (Bons-lee).

Also, Sugimori does not do anime art. He has nothing to do with the anime, to begin with. He does the artwork for the games. Sometimes he draws characters from the anime the way he would normally do so, however this is very rare that he would do so.


Well-Known Member

First off, Yes gary will have the same voice. The man who voices gary is now working for PUSA/TAJ
Second off, Bonsly is a pun off a bonsai tree.(bONs aI) The lie is that it looks like a rock pokemon, but it is actually a rock. So it wouldnt be bonslee it would be bonslie.
And third off, Thats those lazy animators. Not Mr. Sugimoori.

thanks i understand the whole bonsley thing. and at least we will have one voice actor. and srry i really don't pay attention on punctuation and things unless for school or something,


Also, Sugimori does not do anime art. He has nothing to do with the anime, to begin with.
Actually Chris - Sugimori did the conceptual art (of the characters) for movies 1-7, and a few Pikachu shorts.
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