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Anime that pleasntly suprised you =) or disapointed you


Beginning Trainer
Well there are alot of anime out their some good some bad but well there are always the ones which you hear about and have no intrest in but when you actully watch a episode your pleasntly suprised or a show which the hype makes you belive its better than actully was or is.

For me it was

One peice, (orginal version not the dub) well when i first heard about it or seen pictures, i had no intrest what so ever, but one day while i was bored i decide to actully watch a episode, and well i quite enjoyed it, been watching it since.

Prince of tennis, well i have heard about this anime for quite a while now but a anime about tennis how could that be enjoyable... i was suprised and well the way the matches are set out is quite affective, they dont show a whole match only a few bits of it, so the viewer wouldnt get bored.

Shuffle! well when i first started watching this anime was with my girlfriend, meh first few episodes were kinda mediocre standerd lovey anime, harlem i think it is, but around ep 13/14 it really picked up, by all means still not a great anime, but near the end it really saved my intrest in the show.

kimi no Ezien (not sure if its spelled right) this anime was again like shuffle, started out all happy happy, but it really got sad for me and it actully made me cry.... since i actully really liked the charecters and while it was like a sub par soap as a anime it was quite affective, on how the main charecter acted with the events which were happening. (hence my username... my girfriend still rubs it in for me).

ouran high school host club
at first it seemed well, quite boring and generic when i read the synopis on it but well after actully watching the anime, i was hooked it's just so funny and witty and diffrent, a Rerverse harlem =p

Anime that disapointed me where

Inuyasha huge build up near the start of the series, really good but nothing ever gets resolved in the main plot, and it suddenly just stops... no ending...

Naruto... if my girlfreind ever reads this post i am so doomed...
Well when its not full of fillers its actully really good but... the last 100 episodes or so... have been a huge chore for me to watch and it just disapoints me.

Dragon ball GT
this had to get mentioned, DB and DBZ are well legendary anime's, maybe not the best, but there famous, and alot of people like them. when i heard about GT i was so looking forward to it huge DB fan i am, but when i actully saw it... i cried if it wasnt for the fact it had a decent opening i wouldave ripped my eyes out so i would never have to watch it ever again....

so please tell me anime's that suprised or disapointed you =) and tell me why since its always a good read to see peoples views.


Frosty Fashionista
Dissapointment -

1) Pichi Pichi Pitch - I absolutely love shoujo anime, and watching this show was rather depressing. I hated Lucia Nanami's voice(The Seiyuu took herself too seriously..Lucia is a ditz that tries to act serious?!) and the plot was not very deep. Also, there wasn't much difference between the anime and the manga. I like it when there are some changes(whether that be a more detailed plot, relationships, etc) between the manga and the anime...and, in the case of Pitchi, they recycled a lot of lines from the manga into the anime. Blech!

2) Tokyo Mewmew - Similiar to the analysis on Pichi. Storyline was drastically recycled, as well as some of the lines. It was a shame too because, the animation was clean, and the wardrobe for the characters was nice as well.

Series that I really enjoyed(and wasn't expecting to):

Princess Tutu - What can I say but 'Wowsas'! The animation was gorgeous, and I loved how the scenery would tranform from reality to the type of backdrop you'd see in a play when Ahiru, transformed into Princess Tutu, would dance with the victim. Instead of using some cheap 'Made in Country X' magic baton, Tutu would talk to the person about their problem while dancing. It sounds cheesy, but the way in which it was executed was so unnoticeable. Additionally, the story of Ahiru/Princess Tutu, Prince Mute and Rue/Princess Kraehe was incredibly well done...not to mention the musical score was straight from several well known ballets such as 'Nutcracker' and 'Sleeping Beauty'. Very, very nice.

2) Rozen Maiden - After reading two volumes of the US translations, I became rather discouraged because, there didn't seem to be a complete plot line by the second volume(as in, I'd like to know where the story is progressing...). But, after watching the first season and the second season(Traumend), I was rather surprised by how well done it is. The animation is gorgeous, the characters are well thought out(especially how their movements can be very doll-like and their personalities show how pampered some of them are). I thought, of the two seasons, that Traumend was better, but that was because I really wasn't too thrilled about another anime that delved into the mental anguish of teenagers.
Hikaru no Go. Turned out to be one of the best Shounen anime I've seen.

Neko Godot

Hey! Listen!
Bo^7. Watching the first few episodes, I thought it was a pile of ****, but after tuning back in at around episode 20, I realized it was a funny pile of ****.


My gripes are technical

Aishiteruze Baby. Bad TMS animation, and the series was ended prematurely. I don't expect closure since the original manga was still running. Still TMS was good for it in terms of money, either the budget for animation or the length of episodes.

Midori no Hibi. Missing characters from the manga that were MUCH more interesting than Takamizawa...I serpose it wuz becuz he wud an otakoo! I mean come on, Lucy, Nao, give Ayase MORE moments like she did in the comic, show that Kouta is a closet case, LET'S SEE RIN'S TREASURE HUNTING BOYFRIEND. Jeez Pierrot, you guys were known for doing filler, might as well do that with Midori. I mean the manga was almost over by the time you guys animated it.

Magical Play. A Kiyohiko Azuma production which unlike Azumanga or Yotsuba, isn't quite the funny slice-of-life stuff but rather a supposedly drawn out adventure that was never finished. I was more interested in the CG/Cel Shaded OVA that was more a teaser than anything. It was also the last AIC production I hyped up before the 3rd Tenchi OVAs were more than a pipe dream.

IGPX just had boring music. Made me think less of Production I.G for taking on CN's wishes.

Neko Godot

Hey! Listen!
Fruits Basket surprised me. I thought it was going to be overly girly, not that I care becuase I AM overly girly, but it was a good kind of overly girly! ^^
Animes That Surprised Me:

One Piece- I thought it was weird at first. But, as I watched it, it got kind of funny. ^^;

Bo^7- I also thought it would be stupid, but that's the whole point of it. It's the only anime where I'd expect randomness and stupidity. xD

Aishiteruze Baby- I don't care if the series ended fast, but it did kind of have a good storyline somehow. The beginning was kind of off, but I enjoyed it overall. ^^

I can't really think of any anime that disappointed me for now. ^^;;


Well-Known Member
Ones that suprised me:

Zatch Bell- They made it look really bad in the ads for it. Good thing I decided to watch it anyways. It is now one of my favorite animes!

Eureka Seven- Again the ads made it look bad, but it turned out to be really good, and another of my top favorite animes.

Ones that disapointed me:

Naruto- It got such a huge hype. All I ever heard was "OMG Naruto is the greatest anime ever!" Or "Naruto is soooooo good!" I watched it, and wow it sucked.... badly! I just can not understand why it's so popular.
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Neko Godot

Hey! Listen!
Naruto- It got suck a huge hype. All I ever heard was "OMG Naruto is the greatest anime ever!" Or "Naruto is soooooo good!" I watched it, and wow it sucked.... badly! I just can not understand why it's so popular.
Imo, the Naruto anime is horrible, and you'd come out much happier if you read the manga, which I reccommend, instead.

Flame Haze SnS


One Piece (Dubbed): These whole episodes get butchered up by 4Kids. It even skipped few episodes ahead to get to Tony Tony Chopper arc. :( I wished VIZ or other company would have this anime under their contract.


Sister Princess: Hmm...I didn't expect it to have any lack of actions, but it was very pleasent and relaxing anime. A brother and 12 younger sisters = romance and funny. This is my fave anime for now.


Boulder Trainer
One Piece~(german version tho) thought it was werid at 1st but i continued to watch it. Its hella funny! I luv it! moved back to the states...english version sucked a**

Eureka Seven~ i was confused at the beginning until i read the background at its website. Its hella awesome! I luv it! (both origin&english ver.)

Inuyasha~ started off great! Ended horrible! i perfer the manga...

Naruto~ started alrite...getting good...then back to okay...the manga is better...


Well-Known Member
One anime that pleasantly surprised me was "Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha"... it started off cliche and I didn't think I'd really like it... but now I love it. ^.^


Well-Known Member


it premiered with Dragon Ball at the same day in germany and nobody expected something interesting from it. I was skeptical as well. The games weren´t out until 2-3 weeks after the first episode and I thought that it´ll be some "He-man-like" mecharndise-crap. But I fell for the mecharndise coup-out ;p

One Piece:

I never really liked its art when I first looked at it..how stupid I was...It is now my favourite anime, so full of feelings, interesting storylines and creative battles/abilities.
I love its art and don´t really know why I disliked it in te first place...maybe it was too "different"



Everybody who has heard of the german naruto butchery knows why... 4KIDS-Naruto...

The Hellsing OVA:

I was really looking forward to the OVA because I read that it was meant to be close to the manga. It is true, but the OVA is way too rushed for my taste. If you don´t know the manga it is almost impossible to understand the plot...storyline of the first episode ( ca. 30 min.) = 1st manga storyline?! wtf?
Maybe someone can confirm that it gets better after the first episode? ^^;