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Annoying People

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Well-Known Member
I think this thread is pointless because Your an IDIOT!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Thats because Serebii will let anybody on here, there are just too many idiots in the world to control.

dark trainer

Well-Known Member
i think pokemaster95 is anoyying he makes 2 many pointless threads

i think your an annoying twit, its my job to be annoying !!!

whats the point of going through all the trouble of making an account when your just going to be a twit and get it banned?
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Well-Known Member
I think these noobs are part of that other forum Joe was talking about that have joined here to spam and piss him off. Anyone agree?


I think these noobs are part of that other forum Joe was talking about that have joined here to spam and piss him off. Anyone agree?

I don't want to jump to conclusions, but probably.


Yeah, ok!
I would think that'd be more likely around the American launch?

True, but some people look at pics of the D/P episodes on the site and then register to the forums because it's a "new" series.

I remember this happened when AG first started too.


likes 'poms :3
I can't imagine how many reports where filed against Pokemasturrr95. Where are the mods when you need them anyway?
How many n00b can one forum holds?


King of pirates
stop calling each other people annoying and what does this have anything to do with anything spoilers pokemon.
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