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Another emerald ? by Shadow tha newb (plz post replys)


Shadow Master
well yall told me to get to lvl 50 and 100 and stuff like that but wat is the ebst place or way to train because training gets long and boring as F***
so if yall got any good tips, that would be helpful.;006; ;376; ;392; ;321;

The Mighty Wurmple

Well-Known Member
If you are able to get the Blissey trainers from mixing records with someone who has them, then you get about 5000 exp (I think) for each Chansey/Blissey you beat.
Apart from that, try the Elite Four, or if you don't care about IV's and re-teaching Pokemon moves, then you can try the daycare.

edit:Or you can get the Momento bases.
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Natsu no Maboroshi
Try getting a Lucky Egg from FR/LG