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another new trailer


Master Of Rayquaza
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Ace of Spades

Active Member
Not only is there Lucario, there's Muumaji, Rozureido, Gregguru, Elekiburu, Ramuparudo, and Toridepusu. Good find ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for posting. This game looks like it's going to be great.:D


Master Of Rayquaza
ramparudo's attack looked so powerful. maybe they made this game a bit to contact Lol j/p its perfect


I heart Grimgravy.
The thing that Rampard attacks? That's Dotaitos...


See? Hikozaru attacks it with...some attack I'm totally blanking out on. It's in about 0:58 in the video. Now, who I don't see is Lucario.

EDIT: Nevermind, I see him.


Master Of Rayquaza
im asuming as the game releases well see tons of more info

somethign deep down tells me as this game releases well know more info on the american version of D/P and pbr all togeather