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Another Poll

WHo's Better

  • Total voters


Fear Heatran
Materbonsly Here

Well there is another poll 2 enjoy

Who's the better Elekible,Buuburn,Togekiss

You decide.

Masterbonsly Out XD

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
Togekiss are ugly and buuburn is fat.

At least in my opinion.


Blaziken rules!

I think that Elekible is the coolest.


Well-Known Member
Togekiss, from the 4th generation Pokémon I know is my favourite after Mukkuhawk, Dodaitos and Masukippa

Horn Drill

CB Elekible is going to be awesome. I'm really looking foward to it. It has a cool Ability, good stats, and a great movepool. I'm really pleased at the way they've switched its Base Stats around.

Buuburn could also be good, but they didn't really do much to make up for it losing Cross Chop. All it gets is Focus Bomb and Psychic, which are sucky. I'll have to look at its movepool again, since I've always really liked Magmar, and I would like to use Buuburn.

I hope Togekiss turns out good too, but it looks like an overgrown Togetic to me. It has nothing really innovative going on with it.


Well-Known Member


<- Best DP Legendary
Togekiss wins the "Most Improvement Over Previous Stage" award by a mile. The others are okay; Buuburn's probably my favorite overall, but then again I always did like Magmar a bit more than Electabuzz (and plus Elekiburu's overratedness is already annoying, and the English version of the game isn't even out yet).


Togekiss is the best. Buuburn is an ugly fat... Thingymajiger. And Elekible is creepy.