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aka Mr. Perfect
Cept' for the Jolten, here's a team that isn't completely cookiecutter and can manage it's own quite elegantly in proper hands/minds:

Jumpluff @ Leftovers
Nature: Jolly
EV: 252 SPD :: 148 ATK :: 108 HP
-Swords Dance
-Stun Spore
-HP Flying
-Leech Seed

Miltank @ Leftovers
Nature: Jolly
EV: 252 DEF :: 124 ATK :: 132 SPD
- Curse
- Body Slam
- Heal Bell
- Milk Drink

Jolteon @ Lum Berry
Nature: Timid
EV: 252 SPD ::: 252 SP.ATK
-Baton Pass
-HP Grass

Claydol @ Leftovers
Nature: Hasty
EV: 252 SPD :: 124 HP :: 132 SP.ATK
-Psych Up
-Rapid Spin
-Ice Beam

Corsola @ Leftovers
Nature: Modest
EV: 252 SPD :: 252 SP.ATK
-Calm Mind

Arcanine @ Leftovers
Nature: Modest
EV: 252 SP.ATK :: 188 HP :: 32 SPD :: 32 ATK
-Extreme Speed
-HP Ice


Well-Known Member
The best Corsola is probably the Choice Bander.

When making an "anti-standard" team, you have to make sure that your team can last against standards. For example, you have a nasty Gengar weakness.


aka Mr. Perfect
Hm perhaps, I've messed with both and in the end prefer the wannabe-starmie setup.

And also, to be honest while indeed a Gengar could wreck havoc on my team, but only so if I didn't know how to play the team. But, I appreciate the tips and criticisim reguardless. Though, you should play with it on NB first before stating anything, least that's how I've always rated teams.


Jolteon and Corsola have incomplete EV spreads. one stat point could mean the diffrence between surviving a hit or not.
Cept' for the Jolten, here's a team that isn't completely cookiecutter and can manage it's own quite elegantly in proper hands/minds:

Jumpluff @ Leftovers
Nature: Jolly
EV: 252 SPD :: 148 ATK :: 108 HP
-Swords Dance
-Stun Spore
-HP Flying
-Leech Seed

Miltank @ Leftovers
Nature: Bold
EV: Max HP, some Attack, and around 300 Defense. Seems like a waste of that nice speed, but you're Cursing anyway.
- Curse
- Body Slam
- Heal Bell
- Milk Drink

Jolteon @ Leftovers
Nature: Timid
EV: 374 Speed, around 305 HP, rest in Special Attack. EVs other than Speed are probably messed up so someone else can help.
-Baton Pass
-HP Grass

None of your members really need Speed; it's better to use this as your starter, Sub, and Pass when the opponent switches/if Jolty's in trouble. One of the best leaders IMO.

Claydol @ Leftovers
Nature: Bold
EV: 252 SPD :: 124 HP :: 132 SP.ATK
-Psych Up
-Rapid Spin
-Ice Beam

Corsola @ Leftovers
Nature: Modest
EV: 252 Spc. ATK, lots of HP, rest in Defense. Corsola won't outspeed anything useful besides Lax and Clops (which own/wall this), Steelix)
-Calm Mind
-Ice Beam

lol Corsola. Ice Beam > Psychic to hit Mence; Gengar can just T-Bolt this, Surf already harms Weezing.

Arcanine @ Leftovers
Nature: Modest
EV: 252 SP.ATK :: 188 HP :: 32 SPD :: 32 ATK
-Extreme Speed
-HP Ice

You might want to consider the Howl set to have some sort of mixed sweeper. Special sweeper works fine though.

Is this team meant to counter standards or are you just using random off-the-wall Pokemon just to be "original"? I mean, I don't have a problem with it, but it seems like your team can be unstable against the very standards you're avoiding, and crappy Pokemon don't help the team (Corsola ffs).

And nobody can test every team they rate on NB.


prophecy fulfilled

explosion/rock blast/earthquake/shadow ball cb corsola or gtfo

special corsola with like 102 speed is stupid


aka Mr. Perfect
Nooblet, that name suits you just perfectly.

I can understand your comment if it wasn't complete newb-blabble.

There's a reason to why I have Corsola with a calm mind set when I know it's a slow mover. Probably also why I have several slower end pkmn, but did you perhaps think maybe why I have an agility bp Jolteon?

Seriously, greatly appreciate everyones comments until they become Captain Obvious BS . Take your own advice and gtfo? Start talkin like an ***, and just assume the same to happen back at ya.


prophecy fulfilled
ok miss out on cb hustle'd explosion, and suck with your cm corsola who is 2hko'd by a starmie surf even with 5 calm minds

also i'm better then you so calling me a noob is lol

also your evs are retarded

also good luck bp agilities to corsola, when they share the oh so common weakness of ground, and are both ohko'd by any earthquake going

Erus Black Mage

Well-Known Member
Cept' for the Jolten, here's a team that isn't completely cookiecutter and can manage it's own quite elegantly in proper hands/minds:

Jumpluff @ Leftovers
Nature: Jolly
EV: 252 SPD :: 148 ATK :: 108 HP
-Swords Dance
-Sleep Powder
-HP Flying
-Leech Seed

Jumpluff is nearly useless in OU without Spike support.

Miltank @ Leftovers
Nature: Jolly
EV: 252 DEF :: 124 ATK :: 132 SPecial Defence
- Curse
- Body Slam
- Heal Bell
- Milk Drink

Why put speed evs if you're using Curse?

Jolteon @ Lum Berry
Nature: Timid
EV: 252 SPD ::: 252 SP.ATK
-Baton Pass
-HP Grass

What DO you have to BP to? Aracanine already has Extreme Speed, and CMCorsola is lmao

Claydol @ Leftovers
Nature: Hasty
EV: 96 Atk :: 124 HP :: 176 SP.ATK :: 112 Defence
-Rapid Spin
-Ice Beam

Rest over Psych up plox.

Corsola @ Choice Band
Nature: Adamant
EV: 252 SPD :: 252 Attack
-Rock Slide
-Shadow Ball

Corsola is useless without CB.

Arcanine @ Leftovers
Nature: Modest
EV: 252 SP.ATK :: 188 HP :: 32 SPD :: 32 ATK
-Extreme Speed
-HP Ice

NP-(Insert any good music here)