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anti ludicargo deck


Team Rocket Admin
If you dont know the pupose of this hl-on deck, look at the title.
1 politoad ex uf
1 poliwhrath frlg
2 poliwhirl uf
2 poliwag uf
1 blastoise ex frlg
2 wartartile frlg
1 squirtile frlg [sleepy ball]
1 squirtile frlg [smash turn]
2 pidgeot frlg
2 pidgeotto frlg
2 pidgy frlg
2 electro buzz uf
2 manectric
1electrike dx reacarge
1 electrike dx high voltage
3 pokeball frlg
2 master ball
18 water energy
14 lightning energy
any advice?


Team Rocket Admin
strong electric to take out water, strong water to take out the fire, pokeball, master ball and pidgeot to get out what i need and blastoise ex to get energys to all my pokemon and to wipe out the macargos.Any sugestions?Im using it tomarrow at the city champs, i need help with this deck....
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Team Rocket Admin
Pleeeeeeeeeeeessssseeeeeeee i need deck advice!!! I have to go to the city championships tomarrow!>_<[ edit ] Well i didnt get any advice, and now i have to go use it today, [sarcasm} so thanks for the advice!!! [end sarcasm]BTW
ive changed my deck by adding celios instead of 3pokeballs and 1 masterballl. so now its:
1 politoad ex uf
1 poliwhrath frlg
2 poliwhirl uf
2 poliwag uf
1 blastoise ex frlg
2 wartartile frlg
1 squirtile frlg [sleepy ball]
1 squirtile frlg [smash turn]
2 pidgeot frlg
2 pidgeotto frlg
2 pidgy frlg
2 electro buzz uf
2 manectric
1electrike dx reacarge
1 electrike dx high voltage
4 celios net work FRLG
18 water energy
14 lightning energy
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How does this defeat LudiCargo??? Doesn't LudiCargo use Battle Frontier???
Your running Pidgeot with no Stadiums to counter.
No offense but this is a mess, and LudiCargo can sweep you easily.

Shiloh Phoenix

Super Coordinator
If ludicargo runs a 1-1 or 2-2 lanturn line then well, you lose. if you play against ludicargo that's not being used by a braindamaged monkey, you will lose. and against any other deck you will still lose. sorry, but read the deck making advice before posting.


Shiloh Phoenix said:
If ludicargo runs a 1-1 or 2-2 lanturn line then well, you lose. if you play against ludicargo that's not being used by a braindamaged monkey, you will lose. and against any other deck you will still lose. sorry, but read the deck making advice before posting.
Yeah, Shiloh is right.
Lanturn craps on this deck.