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Anticipate and Feint


Well-Known Member
What exactly does Feint do? It's description doesn't explain anything.


Leave my posts alone
Anticipate uses 1.5x the foes attack. Feint appears to only hit the foe when Protect/Detect is used.

Not sure of full extent, as it isn't really clear on what each does...
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Anticipate uses 1.5x the foes attack. Feint appears to only hit the foe when Protext/Detect is used.

Not sure of full extent, as it isn't really clear on what each does...

The word Protext....It's brilliant!


Wow Feint only works if Protect/Detect is used. Any clue on what it actually does? Damage most likely...
It doesn't have a base power... but it says that the elected target is the one hit, which makes it sound like it does something..

Although note that it doesn't say it hits through Protect or Detect, just That it only works when they're used...


Leave my posts alone
So it (Feint) has a BP of 50. Still, it only works on those who use Protect/Detect.


Well-Known Member
Check the main site...

If you actually checked the main site or read any of the other posts, you would see that the main site is incorrect about this.

I'm wondering if Feint does double damage if the opponent uses Protect/Detect, if it also does damage if the opponent doesn't use Protect/Detect and if it hits through a Substitute (Pokémon Stadium 2 classified it as the same type of move as Protect and Detect).
Because 50 BP does seem a bit low for an attack like this.