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antisocial sprites


Black and White
energo said:
I also made a dratini / horsea fusion, but its not as good look at my thread :)
I love ur sprites
Just wondering, what sprites is the mermaid horse made out of
I checked out your thread and they aren't bad and as for they mermaid horse thing, it was one of my first sprites and i cant remember whether it was ponyta or rapidash, it also has some vaporeon and some editing


Black and White
inspired by Who Said Pikachu?'s pokemorphs


Black and White
Chloemew4ever said:
Yay for Gir! ^^ But how come he doesn't have a neck? o-o And the Gorebyss Pokemorph looks great, although the eyes are a little creepy xP

Gir:Just forgot about neck
pokemorph: Couldn't fix eye right


Wow... I'd never think to mix 2 pokemon as different as Ryhorn/Goldeen and other obscure mixes of 2 completely different pokemon. Great!


Eevee's for Ever
Dude, im inlove with the goldeen and beautifly thing. I love it!

Magical Trevor

wow tou're the best spriter I've seen ever. And I've seen alot of good spriters. You should try doing some over worlds of your mixes. I'm gonna look forward to seeing soe more of your sprites

Mangekyo Sharingan

arent they lovely?
may i borrow some of these sprites ill give credit
theyre the best fushions i ever seen


Black and White
TrueDunamis213 said:
may i borrow some of these sprites ill give credit
theyre the best fushions i ever seen
ya, everyone is welcome to my sprites as long i get credit and they dont try to pass them off as there own

Also.. jw what do you want to used them for?


I hate rainbows!
O_O! Your pokemon mixes are fantastic! Those are great, they're so perfectly well blended! And that Munchlax, Kangaskan mix is scary...