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Any games you know get Music Videos done for them?


Iblis Wings

Fidgety Raichu

Although this was rather back in the day, game footage from Wipeout 2097 (also known as Wipeout XL) was featured heavily in the video for Atom Bomb by Fluke.



Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance had 'Immortal' by Adema. Not usually a fan of that kind of rock music, but it worked really well for the game. I was actually disapointed they didn't do anything like that for the sequel.


I own the 5th gen
I recall one time seeing Linkin (sp?) Park's "In the End" playing over scenes from Final Fantasy IX. It was something my older brother showed me on his computer, so I don't know if it was an official music video or fan-made.


Yamato-san said:
I recall one time seeing Linkin (sp?) Park's "In the End" playing over scenes from Final Fantasy IX. It was something my older brother showed me on his computer, so I don't know if it was an official music video or fan-made.
Fan made like many other Anime music videos I have that mix games. I recall seeing that video your talking about.