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Any Good E/Ru/Sa Trades?

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PKMN Legend Anthony

Water Gym Leader.
Have you had any good trade's with pokemon from your Ru/Sa/E carts??

This 1 I had on Sunday....
My shinny, Lv 100, Impish Donphan for a Shinny, Lv5, Bold Chikorita and a Lv 10, Hardy, Magikarp.

Was it worth it 1 shinnys for 2?


yea i think two shinnies is better then one, but i would of prefered to have the donphan over those 2 pokemon just my personell taaste in pokemon


Fog Trainer
yea i feel that, but the other downfall is that it was lvl 100 LOL

aww well two lvl 100 (when trained) is better than one


Yeah, about that...
I also think that was a wise trade because anyone would prefer 2 over 1 shiny pokemon any time. I know i would.


You're Illegal
ya two shinies for one lvl 100 was a good deal!
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