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Any Idea's

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Well-Known Member
Since no gaming stores around any of the towns near me have Pokemon XD does any one know a website i could order it off. I need a really good site so i know i will get a real copy of Pokemon XD and not a fake so does any body know one


Well, at my EB Games once the person at the counter recommended that site to my Dad, he said that Gameboy Periferial are Universal, but he said not to buy other games for other consoles, if you're going to get it from there, your best bet for it to work is to buy something that's PAL. I don't personally know if they have any. But he said he buys Gameboy Stuff from there because it's the only that's compatible with other Gameboy Worldwide. I don't know for sure, this is just what they said.


Leave my posts alone
I have an even better idea; ring around the stores closest to you, and ask "Have you got the GamCube Game, Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness?", if no then continue with "When will you be getting a copy or copies?". And if they don't have any shout "SCREW YOU!" and slam the phone down (although that last part could be skipped! LoL!)


Well-Known Member
Tried that and said the last part too but that was ages ago. 1 day and i'll have one off Ebay anyway


Well-Known Member
Is it Australian???

Lik-sang is japanese, but Pokemon XD is unavalible for PAL on there.

I know you're getting one off ebay, but if it's a bad copy, try ordering from local shops on the internet.
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