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Any News of a new Soundtrack?

Trainer Robert

Well-Known Member
Yeah topic ask itself. Has there been any related news about the NEW American Pokemon soundtrack??? Cause last year I went on Pokemon.com about the 10th annerviristy. They said that the new pokemon soundtrack called "Pokemon GO!" was sappoused to be out this year. It has been bugging me for awhile and I have been wondering if its been out in america yet.

Any infomation will be appreciated. thanks.


Restoring the Kanto
It's out @ ITunes, as one of tracks in "Pokemon X" Album.
Album contains most old openings, some Karaokemon + Battle Frontier "extended" (1 minute :-/) + some other new song (insert song from Sweet Baby James?) + Song you mentioned...

Nothing special, i don't like this song. After listening whole i think that rap opening of Mastermind special was good :-/
who cares? it's not like they havbe any of the good songs like spurt or i won't lose! or even so much as an english vocal version of the two songs! if they do however end up including those two songs then i take back what i just said