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Any tips? Suggestions?


Moon Prism Power!
Well, I just unlocked Buried Relic and since I'm so eager to get Mew I decided to go in with my lvl. 53 Espeon, my highest lvled pokemon. I quicksaved because my battery was low and I'm on like floor 23. Help will be very good


That THAT!
Check the main site, but since I'm to nice.

After you battle all the Regis all the parts they were guarding transforms into a music box which attracts Mew only if its around though. Mew I brelieve is on 35-? I only met it once I have no idea. Make sure your at a high rank and level. Like your Espeon. Good! It will take a couple tries to get Mew, its a little hard since it legendary. Good Luck!


Moon Prism Power!
Check the main site, but since I'm to nice.

After you battle all the Regis all the parts they were guarding transforms into a music box which attracts Mew only if its around though. Mew I brelieve is on 35-? I only met it once I have no idea. Make sure your at a high rank and level. Like your Espeon. Good! It will take a couple tries to get Mew, its a little hard since it legendary. Good Luck!

Thanks, yeah, I'm platinum rank almost Diamond and I'm wearing a Friend Bow so yeah. Thanks again!!


ooo, what's cooking?
hm, rank doesn't help. In any case, if u die, i will rescue u to the best of my ability. i don got anything to lose, i gonna try that dungeon myself.;munchlax;


Moon Prism Power!
Ahh thanks, I just got through it last nite and I faced Mew in a monster house and it transformed into a Mawile on floor 88. I forgot to give the friend bow to lead and I killed it and got through the whole dungeon without facing it after that and without it. I'm sorta happy though that I got through that whole thing. I will try again when I'm like level 70-90. Most of you suggest 90 but I'm just so anxious. I will ask you for help Munchlax if I need it. Thanks!!