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Anyone else think that the games should have a bit more focus on the character?


Well-Known Member
Yes I know the main focus of the pokemon games is the pokemon themself, but don't you think the character should have a bit more of a role than what he has?

All he does is answer yes and no questions for like, the whole game. When he goes a wipes out every team rocket/aqua/magma member, he doesn't reply to any of there threats. I think your character should at least be able to respond to what someones saying.

I think his motive for becoming the champions great and all, but I think he should show a bit more emotion when he beats a gym leader or beats the elite four.

Anyone else have anything to reply to this?

AJ Flibble

I think the idea is is that the protagonist has as little personality as possible - makes it easier to pretent the character is you, see, which could have been the intention of GameFreak.


Well-Known Member
I allready dislike the talking before and after a battle because it makes it last longer and waste time from my training, I would really hate having to select an option as to what to say. What do you want the character to do.. dance or jump? I think if he did the chancey dance (from leafgreen/firered) it would be grand, get old after a while, but grand non the less


i think that yeah it would be cool, but just maybe it would remove fame from pokemon


I dropped my balls
I don't play pokemon for its grand storyline and facsinating characters... I play it for the monsters fighting each other! :3


Well-Known Member
The main character is a random person who doesn't sleep, eat, drink, breath, think or poop and has nothing better to do than training mindless slaves because he has no friends.
On top of that, he grew up in a town where the only other kid hated him or where there weren't any other kids at all, his only friend was a nutty proffesor who can't even remember the kids name or even his own grandson's name.
He also got his tongue ripped out once, I guess by a Primape, and therefore can't speak. His only way of comunicating is by nodding.

What focus do you need on a character like that? Cute little slave creatures setting eachother on fire untill one of them faints simply for the amusement of their owners are much more fun.


Well-Known Member
I don't play pokemon for its grand storyline and facsinating characters... I play it for the monsters fighting each other! :3

Yeah I know, I don't play it for the storyline either, and I'm not saying that the character responds to every trainer, but it would be better if the trainer said something like "yes, I got the stone badge" or whatever. I mean, it wouldn't be too fascinating if ash never opened his mouth except to say yes or no.

It would also be nice if in the battle the trainer says "Mewtwo, use psycic" instead of "mewtwo used psycic" which would mean the pokemon is acting on its own.


Well-Known Member
Eh, it's been nearly a decade and I'm not complaining. Most RPG protagonists don't even talk anyways, so it's no problem for me.


I dropped my balls
Yeah I know, I don't play it for the storyline either, and I'm not saying that the character responds to every trainer, but it would be better if the trainer said something like "yes, I got the stone badge" or whatever. I mean, it wouldn't be too fascinating if ash never opened his mouth except to say yes or no.

It would also be nice if in the battle the trainer says "Mewtwo, use psycic" instead of "mewtwo used psycic" which would mean the pokemon is acting on its own.

Don't know about you, but I react when I get a stone badge, I react to trainers, and I react to the pokemon. No it's not like I scream CHIMECHO! USE SHOCKWAVE! but I do think it. And if the trainer doesn't react, I get the opportunity too, in my own way :p


I agree with all this.

but I do like the little addition of the trainer actually throwing out the pokeball, when releasing its pokemon into battle, haha. (as opposed to the blue/red, where the pokemon just popped up on the screen.)


Well-Known Member
Don't know about you, but I react when I get a stone badge, I react to trainers, and I react to the pokemon. No it's not like I scream CHIMECHO! USE SHOCKWAVE! but I do think it. And if the trainer doesn't react, I get the opportunity too, in my own way :p

Yeah, I do react myself, sometimes I also think of the battle as a battle in the anime, but it would be cool if the main trainer in the game reacted to the badge sorta like ash. And yes I know the anime doesn't equal the game, but half of the kids who play the game probably watched the anime first, so there sorta used to hearing a reaction.

Lava Striker

Beginning Trainer
I like it being this silent person defeating the evil team and becoming a champion, Kind of grew up on me hehe


Long time no see
mmmmmm i dont know, i mean the most info we have got out of a game is r/s/e when u know that ur character has a gym leader for a dad an u have just moved to the town. I think that u should be able to choose their clothes, as this is an indication of their battle style an personality. An a bigger speakin role would be nice, i mean how the hell can one person go through their life with the words "yes, no"???!!!!


I dropped my balls
Yeah, I do react myself, sometimes I also think of the battle as a battle in the anime, but it would be cool if the main trainer in the game reacted to the badge sorta like ash. And yes I know the anime doesn't equal the game, but half of the kids who play the game probably watched the anime first, so there sorta used to hearing a reaction.

Yes, but you missed the point. I'm saying they don't need an ash-character to make the reaction, that's your job now! And you can do it exactly the way you want it too. I think that's why the trainer does't say anything.


Well-Known Member
Maybe the character can hold his/her badge up when he/she recieves it like link in LoZ when he gets an item

Valoc Darkmyre

Steel Type Hunter
I would like it very much if there was more focus on story in the core Pokémon games instead of just the typical "Collect the badges and beat the Elite Four, foil the plans of Team *insert name here*, fill up your Pokédex by trading" stuff they've been giving us each generation. It doesn't have to be anything too epic, and the main hero doesn't have to really talk, but I'm sure that Game Freak could do better storywise for the core Poké games than they have been doing. One of the spinoffs, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, while not necessarily having the best story in the world, is way superior in the storytelling department compared to the core games. =/

Korobooshi Kojiro

Givonanni: "You dare question me? If you insult me one more time, I'll kill you!"


Giovanni: "WHAT! How dare you! Die insolent fool!"


Well-Known Member
Who cares about character reaction, heck the team sort of made of fun of it in GSC.
I really don't care for that, I mean no one complains about Link or Mario saying anything.
There are ton of silent characters out there, our heroes are just some of them.