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Anyone find training Trapinch painful?


Woopercrack <3
And I mean excruciatingly.
I was training one I hatched not too long ago, and it can hardly stand against level 6 Whismurs at level 12.

First I have to ask: Are all Trapinch this way, or just mine?
Secondly: Is it worth it?

And for anyone wondering, this is my Trapinch's stats:

Arena Trap

Hp: 34
Att: 30
Def: 17
Sp.Att: 19
Sp.Def: 16
Speed: 9

What do I do with him, guys? Is he okay, or does he lose at life?


Want a Green World!
I think most trapinchs are very weak... but when they evolve... they're a different story! xD


&lt;-If only it was red
Trapinch are rubbish, low stats, lack of accurate, decent STAB move, and, most lv up moves are special, and it's sp.atk is sooo low.

However, it may be painful training it up to LV35, and then it's painful to get Vivarbra to LV 45, but Flygon's worth it, just watch out for ice bams!

And, you Trapinch seems to have a good IV in attack too, but, has it got any attack EV's?


Flygon suck. That is why I never train one.


Woopercrack <3
Uh, why not train him with the Exp. share?

I forgot that thing existed. Man. I'll run over and grab that, and maybe things will go better.
Thanks a bunch. :>

Trapinch are rubbish, low stats, lack of accurate, decent STAB move, and, most lv up moves are special, and it's sp.atk is sooo low.

However, it may be painful training it up to LV35, and then it's painful to get Vivarbra to LV 45, but Flygon's worth it, just watch out for ice bams!

And, you Trapinch seems to have a good IV in attack too, but, has it got any attack EV's?

I've just been training on Whismur, so I think it's all HP EV if I'm not mistaken...

Waldo thanks you. -> ;328;


I HATE TRAPINCH!! It always pesters me with arena trap.


I am the game
Flygons are worth it though


I said, Bring It ON!
Flygon are awesome. I PWN the BF with mine.

Lucky egg is obtainable in XD as well. Its a long mission, but it is totally worth it. You can train against street trainers with lv 80s+ and get good Exp.


It is difficult training a Trapinch because you have to get to level 35 before it evolves. However, the payoffs are wonderful, a Flygon is a major powerhouse. IMO it is worth it.

Lugia Aeroblast

FR E-4champ 23:56:33
;328; i caught a trapinch 2 days ago and its already LV:50 Flygon ;329;


goes to prove i have alot of time on my hands beacause i get my homework done in school so i can play my GBA SP on the bus ride home.


Same story with Magikarp, obviously its the end result thats worth it. HAve you just started a new game? I'd go to the Pokémon League and train Trapinch there. Trapinch and Vibrava take forever to evolve, but being a good Dragon-type (Vibrava/Flygon), don't be surprised.


Good at Life.
thats cause its gonna be a shiny flygon

but trapinch is decent for catching, cause of arena trap. use it for that until you evolve so its not a total waste of your time (you know, like a certain feebas/magikarp).