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Anyone here used Ash's Team?


Cascade Trainer
I'm using ash's team and I've beaten 2 Frontier Brains. (Tucker and Greta for the Silver Symbol)
Here are the stats. I know they are horrible :
Pikachu Lv. 50: Thunder, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Flash
Glalie Lv. 50: Ice Beam, Hail, Icy Wind, Crunch
Sceptile Lv. 53: Leaf Blade, Bullet Seed, Mega Drain, Slam
Torkoal Lv. 49: Heat Wave, Overheat, Flamethrower, Body Slam
Corphish Lv. 40: Surf, Crabhammer, Bubblebeam, Swords Dance
Swellow Lv. 43: Aerial Ace, Fly, Wing Attack, Steel Wing
Aipom (Just captured) Lv. 34: Baton Pass, Astonish, Tickle, Fury Swipes
Donphan Lv. 42: Rollout, Defense Curl, Earthquake, Sandstorm
Heracross Lv. 34: Endure, Brick Break, Fury Attack, Counter

This is definately hard......
I need help with move sets as well.


Cascade Trainer
How far did you get?

Anime style battling really doesn't show type weaknesses and strengths..
Ashes team is ok but on that Pikachu you should try adding Volt Tackle

Volt Tackel is a breading inhearit move by 2 pikachus one of which holding Light Ball


The new tuxedo look!
Ash's team is lame, so I will never try to use it.

De HotShot Mon

Smack Down time
I'd prefer to use my own Frontier team:


All LV 50 except Latios at LV 43, but I AM training him.

So, no.


Venusaur The Best
um those are bad movesets but anyway, go for some originalilty if you're gonna use a team that hasn't got legends,ubers etc...

When did he have an aipom ???

Lord Scalgon

What title?
Ash caught Aipom in episode 'May vs. Drew! The Final Battle'...I doubt it's aired in the US though.

Movesets I can remember about Ash's Team:

Pikachu: Quick Attack, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Iron Tail
Sceptile: Bullet Seed, Leaf Blade, ???, ???
Charizard: Flamethrower, Overheat, Dragonbreath, Seismic Toss
Corphish: Crabhammer, Bubblebeam, Harden, ???
Swellow: Aerial Ace, Quick Attack, ???, ???

That's all I can remember. There's others I know, but I don't remember its other moves.

EDIT: Gotta make one correction...
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Well-Known Member
i change my mind every 5 secs.. so instead of team i get box full of lvl 40-50 ev trainded dudes lol..


Active Member
I'd say it's an interesting challenge, and worth going for.

To make things interesting I'd say try to match the movesets as well, this could be something fun to try later :D


Well-Known Member
If you are just bored and want to do something interesting, then go follow Miao's advice and challenge yourself. Otherwise if your aim is to get the symbols, then don't follow Ash's team.

Alternate Dimension

Active Member
I agree with Miao that you should only use Ash's team for a challenge. His team is horrible competitive wise or even ingame. Use a different team if you are aiming for the symbols.
People, his team is not horrible, for that fact no team is horrible... It just depends how you play with them