Cascade Trainer
I'm using ash's team and I've beaten 2 Frontier Brains. (Tucker and Greta for the Silver Symbol)
Here are the stats. I know they are horrible :
Pikachu Lv. 50: Thunder, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Flash
Glalie Lv. 50: Ice Beam, Hail, Icy Wind, Crunch
Sceptile Lv. 53: Leaf Blade, Bullet Seed, Mega Drain, Slam
Torkoal Lv. 49: Heat Wave, Overheat, Flamethrower, Body Slam
Corphish Lv. 40: Surf, Crabhammer, Bubblebeam, Swords Dance
Swellow Lv. 43: Aerial Ace, Fly, Wing Attack, Steel Wing
Aipom (Just captured) Lv. 34: Baton Pass, Astonish, Tickle, Fury Swipes
Donphan Lv. 42: Rollout, Defense Curl, Earthquake, Sandstorm
Heracross Lv. 34: Endure, Brick Break, Fury Attack, Counter
This is definately hard......
I need help with move sets as well.
Here are the stats. I know they are horrible :
Pikachu Lv. 50: Thunder, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Flash
Glalie Lv. 50: Ice Beam, Hail, Icy Wind, Crunch
Sceptile Lv. 53: Leaf Blade, Bullet Seed, Mega Drain, Slam
Torkoal Lv. 49: Heat Wave, Overheat, Flamethrower, Body Slam
Corphish Lv. 40: Surf, Crabhammer, Bubblebeam, Swords Dance
Swellow Lv. 43: Aerial Ace, Fly, Wing Attack, Steel Wing
Aipom (Just captured) Lv. 34: Baton Pass, Astonish, Tickle, Fury Swipes
Donphan Lv. 42: Rollout, Defense Curl, Earthquake, Sandstorm
Heracross Lv. 34: Endure, Brick Break, Fury Attack, Counter
This is definately hard......
I need help with move sets as well.