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anyone like Rotom?


Well-Known Member
i have to say that I adore Rotom and I wanna know if anyone feels the same.

its simple, basic, it has a cool design and name... its unique but not uber, it has a great typing that goes well with its ability... oh and it can learn Toxic, Will-o-Wisp, Confuse Ray, and Thunder Wave. Status effects anyone? I like its movepool, a lot :)

its stats aren't spectacular but so what. I like it and i think it has potential, and even if it doesn't, i still think its a cool poke.

anyone else agree?


and also, did you know it's name spelled backwards is Motor :O!





Well-Known Member
Rotom is OK, but there are better ghosts. E.g: Gengar has higher SAtt and Spd and a much wider movepool.


So hot he's on fire.
I love Rotom. X3 It's freaking adorable and has awesome typing.

Who ****ing cares if Gengar is 'stronger'? Gengar can go suck a dick :c


Everyone is intitled to thier opinion i guess, but if it came down to it looool Gengar would eat rotom up and sh!t him out, seriously >_>


Well-Known Member
I adore him, and the first time I spotted him was in the Battle tower. Riley had him. (Go to Iron island to partner with him) It's just amazing, that pokemon!


Well-Known Member
and also, did you know it's name spelled backwards is Motor :O!




Wow, I never noticed that, although I have been wondering as to the origin of its name. I like the rotom as a pokemon, but not as a battler. I also hate the music in the old chateau, it's creepy. Almost as creepy as the music in spring path.


I always liked to think they were gonna connect Rotom with the word Atom or something and make him super tiny, but then i saw his typing, and his actual size and that idea failed =[


Ya mums a mum
i like his looks but too bad his stats suck, he is a pokemon that definitely needs to evolve


Well-Known Member
I adore him, and the first time I spotted him was in the Battle tower. Riley had him. (Go to Iron island to partner with him) It's just amazing, that pokemon!

you can partner with him again after getting the national dex?

if there were any more teaming up opportunities post-E4 (aside from buck at Stark Mountain) that'd be a huge help in levelling up...

Hyper Shadow

Well-Known Member
rotom has an awesome type, desighin, it's ability protects it from ground, It's cute so basicly an overall good Pokemon

Electric Squirrel

Ludicolo Lover
I really like Rotom and his type combo and all but gengar will always be my fave ghost pokemon

;479; < ;094;
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Rotom is cool i love that ghost/ Electric combo, but i like banette and dusclops better