Is that flying pie?
i can do rescues in:
tiny woods
thunderwave cave
sinister woods
silent chasm
mt. thunder
great canyon
lapis cave
frosty forest
magma cavern
sky tower
uproar forest
howling forest
stormy sea
northern range
pitfall valley
desert region
southern cavern
wyvern hill
\solar cave
waterfall pond
joyous tower
oddity cave
marvelous sea
fantasy strait
we are team reptiles and we are platinum rank, with 4005 points
ill tell you when ive rescued u.
tiny woods
thunderwave cave
sinister woods
silent chasm
mt. thunder
great canyon
lapis cave
frosty forest
magma cavern
sky tower
uproar forest
howling forest
stormy sea
northern range
pitfall valley
desert region
southern cavern
wyvern hill
\solar cave
waterfall pond
joyous tower
oddity cave
marvelous sea
fantasy strait
we are team reptiles and we are platinum rank, with 4005 points
ill tell you when ive rescued u.
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