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anyone notice james and may are nice to each other?


Well-Known Member
Have you noticed in battle frontier,how james and may are being nice to each other?Especially in sweet baby james!there so nice to each other it makes you think, usually there mean to each other in hoenn, but in the battle frontier...
They must be in love.

Korobooshi Kojiro

Like, two times?

Just as Meowth has been nice to Max a few times? And how Team Rocket has been nice to every other main character every once in awhile?


Well-Known Member
Like, two times?

Just as Meowth has been nice to Max a few times? And how Team Rocket has been nice to every other main character every once in awhile?
I mean most often, they show good vibes to each other, also, anybody notice team rocket almost always helps the good guys win in the movies?
I noticed this to while I was watching reversing the charges on cn. I think Kojiro is right. Each of the team rocket members are nice once in a while to ash and co.


Well-Known Member
But usually in bouts of self serving opportunism (eg preventing the world from being destroyed)


Well-Known Member
CC, Kojiro, and BattleFranky, nicely done with confusing new peeps. ^_~

OMG, I guess the thread starter here is a HUGE FirebirdShipper.


de cold & de sorrow
yeah he nice occassionally but it doesn't way out against all the mean stuff hes done, Jessie was nice to may to in the episode Spontanious combusken but it doesn't mean theyre gunna be best buddies or nutin

Captain Brain

Well-Known Member
Most of the time Team Rocket and Ash co. only work together when they're all at risk. Ex being when their Pokemon were under control of the Drowzee. So, if anything these people really just love their Pokemon, not each other.
last week's episode supports this theory. ;025;


Well-Known Member
Most of the time Team Rocket and Ash co. only work together when they're all at risk. Ex being when their Pokemon were under control of the Drowzee. So, if anything these people really just love their Pokemon, not each other.
last week's episode supports this theory. ;025;

i never thought about it that way but your right.