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Anyone play Saints Row? Check out my "Whips"!

Savage X

They are my favorite part of the game and the main reason I play it and these pics also took a while to take, I thought I could make my own thread for you guys to comment them. I have more but I don't really like them.

(I also took pictures of the actual TV.)

Tried to do a little hot rod/drag racer type thing...

My "luxury" car for the ladies (JK)...

My truck I use a lot for missions, hold ups, and anything involving guns/cops...

It's a beast, no questions asked...

Nice muscle car...

My first low rider thing. I don't use it.

My favorite one. Used the most with hydraulics up like a lift kit. I also use it for missions when people ride with me and we need to do drive bys or whatever.

I don't like or use it, but the paint job is cool.

Muscle car, Saints purple, everything else black.

Even if you don't play, what do you think? If you do play though, we can have a normal SR discussion here too... as I'm in love with the game.
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Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
Hmm, kool cars. I don't care if its a knock off of GTA, I want it;), do you knoqw if that game is released in Australia? And if I would I able to find it in the shops or anything (KOkay you probably won't know that one), I mena like how easy would it to find it?


My anaconda don't
Hmm, kool cars. I don't care if its a knock off of GTA, I want it;), do you knoqw if that game is released in Australia? And if I would I able to find it in the shops or anything (KOkay you probably won't know that one), I mena like how easy would it to find it?
Habe you been living under a rock since Aus 31st? Seriously, you can buy it, right now. In fact I insist you buy it. It's only for XBox 360 though.

Galatica Phantom

Mineral Trainer
Well, this also has online play I think, and you can download new stuff from Xbox live.

Anyway, I think thoes cars look dope! I wanted an Xbox 360, but I didn't think it would be all that good, now I want one, but a Wii first.


I am the game
Meh, the GTA series is going downhill anyway saints row may just beat it. But its still a GTA ripoff.

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
Habe you been living under a rock since Aus 31st? Seriously, you can buy it, right now. In fact I insist you buy it. It's only for XBox 360 though.

Actuaklly....I would say I have been living under a rock, those past months I haven't been paying attention to everything, alot of stuff in my life back then, so yeah.

Plus I don't have an Xbox 360 so I don't venture into the Xbox360 area so that's why I never heard/seen it. Well I might have heard of it


Forum Tsar
I find Saint's Row to be much more entertaining than GTA has ever been. Yes, I own all GTA games. Anyway, the storyline is great and despite the many borrowed elements, it's a blast to play and more addicting than GTA.

BTW, anyone who feels it necessary to just comment that it is a GTA ripoff or wishes to argue or mess up this thread will not be tolerated. Repeated misbehavoir will cause all of your posts in this forum to be deleted, regardless of whether they are spam or not. Yes, I can and will do that because the childish **** is pissing me off.