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Anyone still going to play this generation after D/P arrives?


I am still interested in playing R/S/E/FR/LG during 4th gen, not just to supply D/P, but to have fun. I still have few symbols to go.
Of course :p My better pokemon are in my S/E


Beginning Trainer
I would like to but....................with the transfer of pokemon only one way its not going to be my most played game but..........yes I'm still going to play it.


I'm Back
I'll play them, since I doubt I'll get D/P.

FireHead Hank

Matt Fanboy
I love Hoenn, it's my favorite region. It has exclusives like Team Magma, Gym Re-battles and the battle Frontier. I'm not gonna stop playing R/S/E when I get D/P.....but I havent touched my R/B and G/S file for ages.
Nah.. probably not. Unless restarting Emerald a million times to get more Jirachis from the bonus disk counts ;X

I barely play the games now as it is xD

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
Of couse I will! Still have to conquer the Battle Frontier... :(
Of course.My Sapphire version will always be treasured.

And I still want to get a symbol in the Battle Fronteir.I've never even gotten a silver one.

~*Myuu the Ryuu*~

The epitome of grace
Yeah, I got to EV train and restart my Colo/XD for more legendaries. Also, i have to get the symbols. I have three silvers right now, i hope to increase that.


Well-Known Member
Yea, since I want to get all the starters and dogs. I was actually thinking of this last night

Mainly going to clone the greats in Emerald, and keep 1 copy in the Advance gen, and 1 in DS gen


Well-Known Member
Yeah I probably will, 4th gen will be my priority for a while but i'll still be playing my other games because there's still things to do on them :]


Well-Known Member
I doubt Ill get D/p when it comes out in US until much later so yeah, but Ill still go to my Emerald to play.


Shiny Collector
Definatly I havnt even got emerald yet :p
I would be playing Silver still if me cousin hadnt stolen my copy (luckily the internal clock has stopped on his copy. Oh how I laugh at him now :D)


Well-Known Member
im definitely gonna play for the battle frontier at times and at other times because d/p's graphics annoy me so ill train my pokes on emerald then transfer them