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Apple I-Pod questions!??!?


Xeno Latios

on apple i-pod.what are theplans that you can get in order to get music to your ipod.is anyone has any sites which you can download mp3 files to an apple i pod without payin 99c per song post it here asapthx!!

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
You can load any music onto an iPod you don't have to buy everything directly from iTunes. And we do not provide links to music download sites so in future don't ask for them.

Perfect Darkness

You can download your CDs, buy stuff from iTunes, or buy things illegally, like off of LimeWire or BearShare or something



Where's my fanfare?
To clarify, you gotta load all your mp3s to iTunes, then you can transfer them to your iPod. You don't need to buy music off the iTunes store. Easiest thing to do is just drag-and-drop your music to iTunes.

Xeno Latios

so i can download the itune software without buying it and then go to lime wire.download music.put it on the itunes and download it?.thx u guys are really helpin

intergalactic platypus

Only rescues maidens
limewire isnt the best idea, since illegal downloads tend to be LOADED with viruses. i use my own cds or the cds i borrow from my friends; ive managed to accumulate 68 full albums without once using the music store