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AR pokemon

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Well-Known Member
I know AR pokemon are not considered legit, but if you have two AR pokemon and you breed them, will the baby be legit or not?


Well-Known Member
Yes, it's legit if you breed them and raise only the baby instead of those AR pokemon.


Well-Known Member
So would that be like the easy way to get good IV's?

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
its cheating.

you didnt take the time and effort to either catch or breed a good stat pokemon to breed for good stats. you took the easy way out and cheated to get one. then using it to breed a couple of other pokemon is still using the easy way out......cheating


Gen 6 = <3
Its really hard to decide because it is one of those topics that is very debatable and alot of people think its not cheating while others say it is. This topic also might bring up the "but I didn't use a max stats or shiny code so aren't they legit?" which is also a debatable topic.

super groudon

Master Of Shadows
this thread is going against the rules...
i don't think it's legit


Powerplay Champion
just play the game, and make friends who you can play with, you don't get that icky, "i just cheated" feeling.


Furret rocks
The offspring would be legit.


Completing The Trio
i would say not legit because the offspring would gain ivs that would've taken a couple of weeks to get or even months, if bred the proper way


it shone! ^_^
The only cheating I consider wrong is giving all your Pokemon max stats, or giving them attacks they don't normally learn. Everything else is fine with me.

I use a GS/AR for items, event Pokemon and fast egg hatching (OH NOES! I'm a cheater!)


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Sorry, but we can't discuss cheats here--and that includes "is ____ cheating?" topics. Basically, it's always a morality question. Different people have different opinions on what constitutes cheating, so there isn't a "right" answer.

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