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Arbok or Seviper? Which Snakemon do you like best?

Which snake do you like better?

  • Total voters


I like them both the same. They're both awesome!

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
what the hell, i picked both, they're both good


Codenumber 242
Both! I like Poison types! Psychic's beat them in seconds!


Well-Known Member
Yay, seeing so many Seviper and Arbok fans makes me happy ^_^

And there's an option for both of these fantastic Pokémon, woohoo!

It would have been sad for me to have to pick between two of my favourite Pokémon.
For everyone's information, I LOVE snakes, so seeing a topic dedicated to Seviper and Arbok has made me really happy.

Seviper and Arbok both have decent speed and attack and while Arbok gets the better ability, Seviper gets the better sp. atk., so they both have their individual uses.

I love both so much! ^_^

And whaddya know, they're both featured on the poison type skin.

~;024; ;336;~​


What do I put here?
Seviper looks a lot cooler, and I trained one in my main party on a past Emerald save game, so I vote Seviper

Sushi Bunny

ハチミツをたべてる フっフっフっ
Seviper is way cooler! Plus it makes a funny purring sound in the anime.