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Are one or both of your parents better at a Pokémon or Poké-themed game than you are?

Are one or both of your parents better at a Pokémon or Poké-themed game than you are?

  • Yes, both of my parents are better at a game than I am.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Valoc Darkmyre

Steel Type Hunter
Are one or both of your parents better at a Pokémon or Poké-themed game than you are?

For those of you who've let your parents play any game with Pokémon in it (even the spinoffs), have you ever had a case where one or both of your parents is better at one or more of the games than you are? My mother is better at Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire than I am, at least on the Sapphire field. My highest score there is 357,461,130, while her highest is 1,541,353,199. O_____O;

Still, it's nice to have somebody to compete with, and my mom gets a lot of Pokés on the Pokédex that I can't, like the Regis. =P
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Nope. It would be a sad day for me if my mom could beat me at Pokemon o__o;;

But neither of my parents play, so I would never have to worry about that.

Mega Trickster

Blargagh blargh
My mom has only played NES games and I'd never be able to convince my brother to come here.


Staff member
No. My parents wouldn't ever pick up a Pokemon game if I payed them.


My dad thinks video games are a huge waste of time and my mom thinks every video game is Mario Bros.

So the idea of parents playing video games is absolutely baffling to me.

*Jean Grey*

Night Triumphant
My parents suck at it, they don't even know how to play it, only me.


<--Mewtwo Rockz!
Dude. Im the only one who knows how to play video games in our family(me no have bro or sis :-( ).

jolty jolteon

Jolteon Trainer
no but my bro plays and he and me are an awesome challenge but he is kinda better tho i woop him at R/S/E


What do I put here?
Nope, my mum would never play them, although she does look interestedly at the screen when she can. And I don't think my dad likes reading much so he wouldn't want to. I'll ask him if he wants to play a new game on LG sometime thouggh, since it explains everything...I don't think he'd want to though. He'd never be better than me, anyway.


hell no_-_-_-_