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Are Raikou, Entei, and Suicune dogs or cats?

What are Raikou, Entei, and Suicune?

  • Dogs

    Votes: 11 30.6%
  • Cats

    Votes: 13 36.1%
  • Evil aliens

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 11 30.6%

  • Total voters
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I've seriously pondered this question. I think it's a matter of debate, though based on their appearance, I'm inclined to think they are modeled after big cats. Raikou is a tiger, Entei a lion, and Suicune a cheetah.
What do you think?



How many times is this going to come up? Everyone has their own opinions about them, and that's NEVER going to change. One person may think they're cats. One may say dogs. One may say they're just beasts. Does it matter? They are just fictional creatures. I say that they are cats, but that means nothing, so whatever. ;/

I just wish this dead horse would just go away already. --;
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Evanji Axu

They look like dogs, although Raikou is vaguely kittyish.

And while we're at it, Absol is a KITTY! HOW. THE. HELL. DOES. IT. RESEMBLE. A. DOG?


Nothing to be done
Suicune is clearly a dog. Look at it's nose. It goes out like a dog nose. Entei could be either, but looks a bit more dog-like than cat-like, and Raikou's nose is very feline. Possibly a sabertooth tiger?


Super Coordinator
Well Raikou is definitely a sabertooth tiger type of thing, Entei I think might be a lion, and Suicune seems kinda like a wolf to me. I just call them legendary beasts, though. Legendary dogs and cats makes me laugh >.>

Eeee! Legendary kitties and puppies! XD
Ahhh... this annoying crap again. Jynxo expressed my views on this already. :rolleyes:

I call them Beasts so I don't get involved into senseless discussions... =o

Evanji Axu

Suicune looks like a sighthound, Entei looks like one of those huge shaggy things that pull carts (Bernese Mountain Dog), and Raikou looks tigerish. Since 2 out of 3 are canine, I call them dogs out of habit.


Entei is defianetly a dog, Raikou is a mix between cat & dog and Suicune, well I don't really know... ^^''


Contaminated KFC
They came into being due to a disgruntled bird suddenly deciding to breathe life into some pokémon that had been charred to death in a burning tower.

So they're freaks of nature, thats what they be.

Freaks of nature.

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I say there dogs. I think they get called that in the games for Kami-sama's sake.


Raikou:Obviously a tiger
Entei:Looks like a lion, sort of, but it's a bit doggish as well
Suicune:I have no idea. It looks VAGUELY like a horse(the giant horn made me think it was a unicorn at first...), it's sleek like a cat, and it has a nose like a dog.

I call them beasts. It sounds more appropriate, and nobody can say that you're wrong if you refer to them like that.

I think either A)We should just have a sticky topic for this debate or B)Outlaw these topics. They've been done over and over, and they always end up the same...
I think we all know what I voted, but for y'all who don't know me, I voted the third option, merely because it was an available option >=)

But in all seriousness, I believe they're dogs. Entei looks quite like a canine(not to mention the PokéDex itself says a volcano is formed whenever it BARKS. Unless a species of barking felines emerged without my notice, barking=dog). Raikou looks a bit too bulky to be a cat, and its howl seems a lot more canine than feline. Fat cats can't survive in the wild, whereas bulky dogs can very well survive on their own with the weight. Suicune is a dog, no denying that. A panther doesn't have the elongated snout, nor does a cheetah. And if it were a cheetah, wouldn't logic dictate that it should be the fastest of the three? The exact opposite, it is indeed the slowest of the three.

So yes, I believe they're dogs.

The 8th Champion

Hyper Chibi Absol

The Dark Goddess
They're lions which means.... they're cats. I have no clue why people think they're dogs 'cause they're much bigger than dos and the right size to be lions.
Hyper Chibi Absol said:
They're lions which means.... they're cats. I have no clue why people think they're dogs 'cause they're much bigger than dos and the right size to be lions.
Pikachu is too big to be a mouse, and thats what there classed as

Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
Jynxo said:

How many times is this going to come up? Everyone has their own opinions about them, and that's NEVER going to change. One person may think they're cats. One may say dogs. One may say they're just beasts. Does it matter? They are just fictional creatures. I say that they are cats, but that means nothing, so whatever. ;/

I just wish this dead horse would just go away already. --;

That picture looks familiar.... ;P

I think that they're a mix of both, with Raikou and Entei being more on the feline side, and Suicune more on the canine side.

And the horse hasn't just been beaten. It's been beaten, disected, and had its head stuck on a stake at the side of a road for all to see and mock.
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