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Are you upset with the lack of team chemistry in Ash's Team?

Crybaby Sobble

S = Sarunori = Satoshi
Unlike the previous series and the others, we have not seen active interaction between Ash's team.Like say Gengar has literally appeared only three times since it's capture episode and also it is not seen interacting with Dragonite and the others.Dragonite too is not seen to interact with Gengar,Riolu and the others.Riolu and Farfetch'd also do not activate interaction with the others.So what are your opinion on it?
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Lillie best girl
This series has been fun so far, but that is my biggest issue, yes. Chemistry in general. Dragonite and Gengar seem to have been brought on only so Ash has strong Pokemon to rely on while he's training Riolu and Farfetch'd, which means they're more of a tool and less of a character. It's such a stark difference with SM and even XY where the Pokemon were so close, like a family; there were bonds, friendships, rivalries,...

This doesn't even apply to just Ash, but same with Team Rocket, for instance. The best thing about them is their chemistry with Ash and their Pokemon (when not being used as a plot device). I don't see why they can't use both the Gachat as well as one personal Pokemon each, but oh well.


Alola Shill
Yeah actually. This series is great at showing human chemistry, chemistry between characters (mainly Ash & Go), but it’s almost devastatingly lacking in any real relationships or connection between the Pokémon themselves. They have no real excuse not to; if anything them being free to roam Sakuragi Park should mean tons of team interactions. And we have gotten that with Go’s captures, but with Ash nothing of the sort has been attempted.


Deluded Dreamer
This wasn't a problem earlier on when scorbunny yamper Pikachu all had cute interactions from time to time and even in backgrounds, with goh's other Pokémon. It isn't a problem with riolu either, nor Dragonite, the main problem I think is with gengar. It doesn't interact with any mons whatsoever. People are expecting alola levels of Pokémon chemistry but I doubt that will be replicated since alola was always more about the family theme, it drove the series and therefore resulted in more interactions. Compared to the other series Pokémon Journeys is doing a fine job with chemistries, it's just that gengar is shafted and ash's Pokémon need more focus in misc types of scenes

Red and Blue

Well-Known Member
That might change soon. The new opening showed Ash's Farfetch'd riding on the back of his Dragonite. We could get more scenes like that.


I just ran, I ran all Night and Day ~
It's my biggest issue with this series so far.

It's not even just Ash's Team either. (Tho it's more glaring since Ash's Team gets more focus)

Sobble and Raboot have been walking by Gou's side for multiple episodes now. Have the two so much as even glanced in each other's direction?

Sure Gou's Pokémon at the Lab interact with each other. But literally how often do we get to see them? Once in a Blue Moon perhaps?

Mr. Mime has surprisingly great chemistry with other Pokémon too but again he isn't around all that often

Yamper and Pikachu were cute but again see Mr. Mime

Maybe Riolu and Farfetch'd might become sparring buddies? But that remains to be seen
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Lover of underrated characters
Heck yes, and I don't blame Riolu or Farfetch'd at all. The problem was a thing long before either even came into the series! (Pikachu is to blame if anything, most of the Ash related issues of the saga are a result of Pikachu)
Dragonite sat at the lab and basically just hugged things until he was used against Korrina, and Gengar? We haven't seen him since the Vermilion Gym, or at least that's what it feels like but he hasn't done anything since that's for damn sure!

It's frustrating that they won't show Ash's team interacting with each other like most sagas have done, and Dragonite/Gengar just feel like loners considering we don't see them hanging out with anyone. I hope whatever his next capture is becomes friends with them so we can see them appear more often

Deleted member 384931

It is a bit sad yes. Even XY and BW have nice interactions. And tbh I dont remember Ash saying goodbye to his Aloloan pokemon, unlike the Trio.


I'm upset by the inequality of screen-time on Satoshi's team at the moment, which also affects the team's chemistry. I liked that in SM a lot of the cast's Pokemon interacted with each other, but in this series Satoshi's Pokemon and Gou's menagerie rarely get a chance to have interactions like that.

Henry's Journey

Well-Known Member
In regard to Gengar why have to FORCE the interactions tho? Maybe Gengar likes to mind its own business? that's its personality, Dragonite is affectionate with everybody, Farfetch'd and Riolu are buddies in training. I liked the Alola "we are family" approach but I don't see anything wrong with the Pokemon Journeys one so far.


Live freely
Yeah it makes me care even less about his team than I already do. At least Riolu and Farfetch’d have a growing connection somewhat similar to Litten/Torracat and Rockruff/Lycanroc which is nice, even though I don’t care for the former at all


Yeah, I do miss that but to be fair it's not like the other series had plenty of interactions either. I'd say BW was the one with the most since at least there were some form of dynamics between Ash's and Iris' pokémon (Oshawott/Pignite, Pignite/Snivy, Krookodile/Pikachu, Pikachu/Axew to an extent, Snivy/Emolga, Charizard/Dragonite, etc). Far from the best - Cilan's party was non-existant - but at least there were something more than what came before and after.

I feel like the screenhog Riolu and Pikachu are a part of the problem tbh since Riolu/Lucario and Pikachu are the franchise's favorite pets to shove down our throats.

Pikachu is understandable. He is been around for so long and is the "face" of the anime. Also there were several instances in the past where Pikachu took the backseat for other pokémon, with Greninja being one of the most recent examples.

But I agree about Riolu. Can't stand that pest.


Kanto is love. Kanto is life.
Yeah, I would like to see some episodes of Riolu, Farfetch'd and Dragonite bonding. Ash has Gengar ,right?


Well-Known Member
In regard to Gengar why have to FORCE the interactions tho? Maybe Gengar likes to mind its own business? that's its personality, Dragonite is affectionate with everybody, Farfetch'd and Riolu are buddies in training. I liked the Alola "we are family" approach but I don't see anything wrong with the Pokemon Journeys one so far.
They are on a team.
It would be nice to see how they react to one another and Gar itself has been pretty non-existent these past few episodes


Lover of underrated characters
In regard to Gengar why have to FORCE the interactions tho? Maybe Gengar likes to mind its own business? that's its personality, Dragonite is affectionate with everybody, Farfetch'd and Riolu are buddies in training. I liked the Alola "we are family" approach but I don't see anything wrong with the Pokemon Journeys one so far.
Gengar was literally abandoned though, you'd think he'd be wanting to interact with his trainer and new team.
His personality's definitely not that of a loner like Sceptile is


Author Trainer
Agreed. XY and SM did masterfully in the inter-Poke relationships:
Noivern and Hawlucha (plus Talonflame at times)
Braixen and Pancham
Eevee/Sylveon and Bunnelby
Pancham and Chespin
Pikachu and Greninja
Pikachu and Dedenne
Dedenne and Goodra
Rowlet and Meltan/Melmetal
Litten/Torracat/Incineroar and Incineroar
Pikachu and Poipole/Naganadel
Pikachu and Togedemaru
Lycanroc and Lycanroc
Marowak and Turtonator
Tsareena and Shaymin

Journeys really needs to step it up in this regard.