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Aromatherapy-Refresh-Heal Bell


Well-Known Member
Aromatherapy and Heal Bell are the better two since they cure your entire party of status ailments, while Refresh just works on the user.

Heal Bell won't work on Pokémon with the Soundproof ability, which only really matters if you have Exploud, Mr. Mime or Electrode with that ability in your party.

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Aromtherapy or Heal Bell. <Only for Double Battles.


Well-Known Member

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Why double battles? It works in single battles you know.

I know. But in Double Battles, it heals both. In normal ones, just you.
Go for the Aromatheraphy, even though you could use Heal Bell too ;)


Powerplay Champion
wait... so aromatherapy cures the ENTIRE party right... just not the ones out for double battles... right?
1. Make a poll

2. I suggest soft boiled because chansey can learn it and it works great!

Soft boiled only restores the HP of the user while aromatherapy/heal bell heals any status problems in the whole team.
A normal blissey would have softboiled and aromatherapy because aromatherapy is the same as heal bell but without being screwed up by soundproof.
Aromatheraphy can be an abosolute godsend in the pike/pyramid where the game relies on giving you status conditions to stuff you upa nd make it harder for you. ;123;


Toon link
well refresh is uneeded and you could rather have heal bell or softboil

so i'll probely go with Aromtherapy or heal bell


I love garlic. :P
Aromatherapy.. Better, when it comes to Soundproof pokémon... So that's it.. But it's your choice... Have fun...!!!