Joined back in September of 2010. I was 22 at the time, I'm 28 now.
The General Pokemon Discussion boards and Miscellaneous Discussion boards seemed more active back then. I swear there were new threads there almost daily. Now, you'd be lucky to see a new thread in those sections every couple of weeks. Maybe a month on average.
Both of those boards also seem not as fun as they used to be back in those days. Miscellaneous just seems a tad on the boring side (even though I'll still poke my head in whenever I come here from time to time), GPD now seems too srs bzns and overly cynical over the things they talk about now.
Also, when it comes to new games that come out, main or spin-off, people seem more (again) cynical and spoiled over what they want, which is why I totally avoid the Sun/Moon section now like the black plague.
All in all, the above is why I've, honestly, been lurking (just lurking, mind, I don't consider myself a good debater as much as the next guy) the Debate section more often these days. Probably because it's kind of refreshing seeing people have have serious conversations over things that that matter more in the real world. And this is coming from someone who used to avoid the Debate section like the black plague as well.
I apologize if some of that seemed rant-ish, I was just trying to explain why some boards feel different to me.
TL;DR version:
Joined back in September 2010, a few boards seem different now than they were back when I first joined.