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Art by Sora. And maybe some Graphics.


AKA Snagger Outlaw

Meeveep Outlaw giving Eevee Infinity death rays. DEATH RAYS I TELL YOU.


I decided to draw on MS Paint I was that bored. Oh look. MS Paint Loki.


Doodle from late night "goddamnit-I-can't-sleep" sessions.


Character from Mystery Dungeon Shinou.


Mystery Dungeon Shinou banner


Userbar for my Mystery Dungeon team, Team FSM. They've evolved since then into Vaporeon and Typhlosion.

I'll tell you what you can crit the hell out of. You can crit, but know the difference between crit and flaming.


*Meep* I look so cute in it. I needed a new desktop anyway. I feel like I should do something for you in return... Give me a bit...


Heh. I can smell a Godsmacker a mile away, Jawz ;)
Sora; nice stuff. I've always liked your animals. I think its in the eyes. They need some more shading though, so they'll pop out at you more :)

Uber peanut

It does really bug me that God's name was taken in vain. It offends me.

Clockworkz: I don't like you telling other people to shade objects when you barely shade anything yourself.

Sora: Great pictures. Keep it up!


Ooh, maaaan!
Man, I haven't seen your stuff in a looong time. But man have you improved! :D

I'm happy to see nice smooth lineart this time, and not that wobbly stuff I remember, sort of. (It HAS been a while.)

But keep up the good work, man, it's all really cute.


i really like them!
add some shading and they'll be even better

great job, so cute!


love the pic of you and Infin. I wanna shoot death rays... 8'(

I also really like the pic of Thief. (assumed from image file-name) I think it's the eyes. I think I have a thing for eyes. 0_o;;;

one thing that bugs me though - not you, Sora - but what is UP with people taking offense at the Lord's name being used in vain? I know it's a commandment, but honestly, if it isn't used in contempt of God, wtf's wrong with it?

besides, isn't that sorta thing for God HIMSELF to judge? then leave it to him and stay out of what - most likely - is none of your business. you don't know if they've been going through some bad **** lately. -___-;


Advanced Trainer
love the pic of you and Infin. I wanna shoot death rays... 8'(

I also really like the pic of Thief. (assumed from image file-name) I think it's the eyes. I think I have a thing for eyes. 0_o;;;

one thing that bugs me though - not you, Sora - but what is UP with people taking offense at the Lord's name being used in vain? I know it's a commandment, but honestly, if it isn't used in contempt of God, wtf's wrong with it?

besides, isn't that sorta thing for God HIMSELF to judge? then leave it to him and stay out of what - most likely - is none of your business. you don't know if they've been going through some bad **** lately. -___-;

-It don't matter how much you have been through, it matters that you keep your faith in God, no matter what. i am a hardcore Christian, so don't tell me I don't know what I am talking about. I am already going through so much that my mom sent me to a therapist. And look at me, I still keep my faith.-


-It don't matter how much you have been through, it matters that you keep your faith in God, no matter what. i am a hardcore Christian, so don't tell me I don't know what I am talking about. I am already going through so much that my mom sent me to a therapist. And look at me, I still keep my faith.-

it isn't about faith. just because someone's "using His Name in vain" doesn't mean they no longer have faith in Him.

face it, ancient scripture needs to be better interpretated. not saying it isn't telling the truth, I'm saying that we take it too literally. by "Thou shalt not speak the Lord's Name in vain," it could easily mean that you should not speak in a way that shows contempt for Him. it doesn't say "THOU SHALT NOT SPEAK THE LORD'S NAME AT ALL TO EXPRESS ANY FORM OF ANGER" now, does it???


Well-Known Member
it isn't about faith. just because someone's "using His Name in vain" doesn't mean they no longer have faith in Him.

face it, ancient scripture needs to be better interpretated. not saying it isn't telling the truth, I'm saying that we take it too literally. by "Thou shalt not speak the Lord's Name in vain," it could easily mean that you should not speak in a way that shows contempt for Him. it doesn't say "THOU SHALT NOT SPEAK THE LORD'S NAME AT ALL TO EXPRESS ANY FORM OF ANGER" now, does it???

lmfao i think i love you. o:

Anyways, do you draw in flash? I always love some nice flash lineart.

That character from Mystery Dungeon Shinou is amazing. <3

Good work. [:


Can people just keep to the topic at hand? The reason why she dose not post here much anymore is because of the people who harass her in her threads. Just stick to the art topic, plox. :)

Love her graphics, love her, love me.

She does draw everything via Flash because of her hand shakes, unless she says so.


Natsu no Maboroshi
I liked them all :p


AKA Snagger Outlaw
And guess what? My hand still shakes! And for some reason people always manage to argue in my thread over frivelous bullshit.


Banner for the current contest going on.

I have a ton of photos, since I don't have many drawings currently. All of these were taken on my phone.


OH GOD IT'S OOZING ONTO MY COMPUTER. Oh wait, it's just my cat.


A white board in my philosophy classroom.


The back of the church I go to.




The pumpkin currently residing in my dorm.

