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Art for 'Misty's Song' =)

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Even if you don't like that song, please have a peep at this! ^___^

Yes, I know that this song wasn't written by the Japanese poke-people but the lyrics could have easily come from Kasumi/Misty herself anyway. :)

So I hope you like this mildly depressing pic! Please, all comments, critiques are welcome! :D
Just in case anyone asks, I sketched this http://www.geocities.com/c1986t2/cmg19.html , scanned it and oulined+coloured it with Photoshop + Micrografx Picture Publisher.



That is really awsome!
And that is, I'm sorry to say, SPAM.
Anywho, the shading is good, but focus on the legs - they're iffish at the ends. They're too small either way... the water effect is choppy. Misty's ear sticks out a tad too much, making her look rather like a monkey. However, the expression is spectacular and the clothes are really good taste.


Thankyou very much Torchic! ^___^
And thanks to you too for the critique, Carpetted. :D You pointed out everything I had trouble with - and didn't bother to fix up. lol Her head is probably a bit too big for her body too. ^^;


I don't think it's too big... a wee small, if anynot.
i like the shading and the colouring

Keep up the good work

Fool's Hope

In God We Trust
Aw, that's so sweet! ^.^ Her expression is perfect and I love the night sky. The glowy effect around the lyrics is really cool, too. :D


The magic of Pokemon
Wow...it looks really lifelike, like it really was on the anime! Plus, Misty looks like she needs a hug. ::hugs her::


Thankyou so much, each of you! :D Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment here and it really means a lot. ^____^
Yeah, she needs a hug...from Ashy. ^^;


Very nice artwork! I like how you colored the sky; the clouds were a nice touch. Shading is good as well, at least, better than I could ever hope to do.

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
Another good pic by Carina. I personally remember the song and started singing it to myself just now...lol. I like how Kasumi compares to the actual anime. It's excellently drawn, but she looks so lonely.....*pushes Satoshi toward her*

Me: Go gosh darn it!
Satoshi ^^;

lol. Anyways, awesome Carina. Love it....draw MORES!!!

Brian Random

I rarely post a comment on pics but I have, possibly, the shortest comment for this pic... loved it. ^_^


Yet again, another amazing pic Carina! Keep up the great work, you're very talented.
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